those weren't experimental unis Miami won--those were throw-backs from the '60's....But you're right, they WERE ugly!
Personal Favs are the classic styles: LSU, UCLA, Notre Dame, Navy, Ohio State, Penn State Worst: Oregon, Any all one color uni, Louisville,
I'll go by conference...(non-LSU unis, which are obviously my favorite) ACC: BEST: Florida St. WORST: Virginia Tech's solid orange-sleeved Big East BEST: UConn WORST: Syracuse's new "retro" ones Big Ten BEST: Tie (Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State) WORST: Northwestern Big Twelve BEST: Missouri WORST: Baylor MAC BEST: Bowling Green (their logo is unique and cool looking too) WORST: Akron....C'mon! A KANGAROO?!?!?! MWC BEST: Colorado State WORST: Tie (Wyoming--brown is just NOT "in" and San Diego State--those air-brushed looking helmets have GOT to go!) PAC-10 BEST: Arizona State (like the mustard yellow and maroon--plus their logo is cool) WORST: Oregon!!!!! SEC (again, assuming we can't use LSU) BEST: 'Bama (I'm a sucker for "old school") WORST: Tie (Vandy when they wear their gold jerseys and Florida's one solid orange sleeve) Sun Belt BEST: Louisiana-Lafayette (I kinda like the black padding on the inside the helmet, plus the numbers have a unique style) WORST: FIU WAC BEST: Louisiana Tech (no, I'm not being a Louisiana-homer but they the have some nice color combos--and their logo is the longest standing "active" logo in the NCAA) WORST: Boise State--HANDS DOWN! INDEPENDENTS BEST: Notre Dame WORST: Temple So.....over-all, my NON-LSU favorites are: BEST: 1. Florida State 2. Michigan 3. Arizona State WORST: 1. Oregon 2. Boise State 3. Any team wearing NIKE's new one-solid color sleeve
Louisiana Tech have a nice logo on their helmets and the red, white, and blue look good together also. I like the solid blue that Kentucky wears Worst .... Tennesse , Texas.......Should do something with the damn orange
The orange doesn't bother me as much as when both teams wear their "all white" road unis. They (especially Texas) look like they're wearing leotards!
worst uniforms anyone ever came up with: the texas band uniform i agree about the tech uniforms, i like them too
I like Iowa St. colors. Iowa's unis are good and Bama because their helmets are just like my high school's.