What about Stir Crazy and See No Evil Hear No Evil? Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor? Trading Places and 48 Hours. The Burbs. Anyone who says 80's movies are terrible is just a grump.
If its in your formative years then you'll probably look at the era more glowingly than if not. Much more impressionable then. Red probably thinks the 60s wins out or 70s for movies and possibly with music. we are all self-important that way.
There are a lot of movies that I will watch and sometimes enjoy, but I still recognize that it is not a great film. Great films are rare. And the people that go out to the movies regularly are young people 15-35 mostly, so whatever was playing when you were that age is what you actually saw the most of. Nowadays I rarely go out to the big screen more than four times a year, mostly for a movie that a girlfriend wants to see. I watch more film on the satellite movie channels now and sample all eras. The 80's just had no equivalent to epic films like Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather, or Ben Hur.
I also find it easier to sometimes watch a movie over and over despite the fact that it's not that great cinematically, it's just fun and easy entertainment. Conversely, there are some movies that are so demanding in terms of viewer involvement and attention, that I may only watch it once or twice because I'm not in the frame of mind to get that involved. Braveheart is that way for me. I saw it in the theater and walked out knowing it would win the Oscar but I have only watched it one other time. Most of the movies I see in the theater these days are with my kids....so....yeah, not great cinema but I did love Maleficent and obviously all the Hobbit movies. My patience is not great and I find myself getting irritated at talkers, whisperers, food crunchers, plastic bag smushers, seat kickers, etc.
CA and FL have the Cinepolis Luxury Theaters. The seats are massive leather recliners and you can order from a full menu including alcohol and they have servers who come to your seat. You can continue to order from your seat during the movie. Tickets are $21. I have been to 2 movies there and fell asleep during one of them, lol.
You can scroll through to see what they offer. http://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/big-screen/2011/jul/21/cinepolis-the-bar-menu/ With the movie and the food/booze, it's around $100 for 2.
Indeed. There are certain films that I like to watch again because I keep picking up on stuff that I missed before, especially those now available in high definition and wide panorama screen with digital enhancement that makes Technicolor look like Technicolor. All right, this will date me. I grew up in a house with black and white TV and 2 channels. After I moved off to college my folks got a color TV, but I still had my 12" black and white portable from the dorms and used it for years. So five years later, Dad gets a Sony and I get the old Zenith color TV. Well the usual gang is drinking tequila and smoking weed one night and there are still only four channels so we end up watching The Wizard of Oz. So Dorothy gets to Oz and the movie turns into fucking color! I had only seen it in black and white as a child and I was astonished. I never knew. I sat there as loaded as I could be and watched the whole damn thing intently while everybody was making up rude new dialog for the characters. It was like a new movie. I mean I finally got the Horse of a Different Color joke. Goddamn witch was green as a pickle.