Bergdahl to be charged

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by uscvball, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Of course it's perfect, it came straight from Barackmed Hussein Obama.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    There is no evidence until it is presented in a court martial, there are only allegations. Why are you so eager to throw out the UCMJ and the Constitution here? What are you afraid of? Now that court martial will happen. He will get what he deserves when convicted.

    You just refuse to think. Haters gonna hate.
  3. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Girlfriend can speak for herself obviously but I'm gonna say that she is far from ignorant or incoherent. She has one of the most single laser-focused points of view that I have read here. She doesn't obfuscate, confuse, or walk a fine line. She's clearly on one side of it and that is far from the perspective that almost all politicians take.

    So when someone offers you "intelligent" response, you are "tolerant", how generous of you but it's not true either. You have roundly dismissed and name-called anyone whom you believe to be a rightist/con/Republican whatever without even considering whether their response was intelligent or not. This is what I find to be a problem with some societal members.
  4. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Clearly you want to dance

    Tango it is


    Well, you can call them that however
    1. He was accounted for within the perimeter of the OP - Fact
    2. Next morning he was NOT in the OP - Fact
    3. All of his gear was still in the OP - Fact
    4. Everyone else was accounted for in the OP- Fact
    5. Now stay with me here, if the taliban didn't sneak in there and potato sack him, or one of his team didn't deliver him, or a chupacabra didn't chase him out of there then how did he leave?

    Oh thats right, there is that pesky tidbit about him admitting he walked out of the OP. That fool left. HE knows it, YOU know it, his team knows it.

    I'm not at all. Let it run its course. My issue is and always has been what we gave up for him. It wasn't worth it then, it isn't worth it now. Where are those 5 animals by the way? We still got a bead on them? Ha of course we don't.

    An asteroid slamming into Earth while I'm playing the best round of golf in my life.

    Opinion, America however will not because we got bamboozled in the trade.

    I think I hate deserters
    tigerchick46, tirk and TwistedTiger like this.
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    And lawyers
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    All of that is probably true, but it doesn't matter. What is missing is his opportunity to face his accusers and tell his own side of the story. It's in the Constitution. It's what America is all about. FACT. He's either a deserter or a dumbshit AWOL that got captured looking for dope. Either way, he's doing time.

    About damn time . . . surely you can see that this is better than letting him be beheaded for Taliban propaganda purposes.

    Well I don't hold those assholes in the same esteem that you do. We can't execute prisoners openly in our custody. Once they leave Qatar, they are drone bait.

    They are in Qatar under house arrest for a year. After that they are open game and you can bet the CIA knows where they are. They probably have tracking devices implanted in them by now. (That's a jo..., I say that's a joke, son.)

    Everybody does. But they get a trial. In this country, everybody rates a trial. No summary executions, no summary judgements.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Lunacy is like that. You do understand that she advocates genocide as the solution to her irrational fears. You have every right to defend her privilege of free speech. Of course, we have every right, under the same logic, to ridicule it for what it is.
    Tiger in NC likes this.
  8. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And I'm not denying that.

    My point is I would not have made the deal.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    And mine is that there are also good reasons for making one.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Sure, I'd have traded a lb of that cheap shit Oscar Meyer bacon for him.

    Make a deal, don't give away the farm.

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