It's not really patience, I have trouble with patience sometimes. It's tenacity. A quality of martin that I have learned to appreciate.
Jiminy Christmas. The Cole was bombed in October of 2000, a month before Bush was even elected. Is Bush responsible for everything? Maybe we should blame him for Pearl Harbor as well.
Is it nothing more than a numbers game for you? What number matters then? The big difference is the 4 people over there were doing work on behest of our government. That means you and me. Equally tragic. None of them worth it, IMO.
This is what I don't get about you, amigo. You are extremely intelligent. Do you really believe that you/me/us know everything there is to know about what our government does or that somehow, a "lack" of evidence means it didn't happen? The CIA has done more heinous shit than most Americans would approve of if they had a clue. Brennan was behind everything going on in Benghazi. Will there ever be proof or evidence? Of course not. Doesn't mean it isn't true.
Dude, the investigation revealed that Al Qaeda was responsible for the attack a month after Bush took office, yet he utterly failed to retaliate. Nine months later they hit us on 9/11. Bush was absolutely responsible for his own inactions.
Nor does it mean that it must be true. I understand that absence of evidence does not constitute evidence of absence. However, I will never understand a logical person letting their imagination run wild with a total lack of evidence. It's like accusing the Klingons. And it is transparent that a certain political party is trying to manufacture a scandal in an election year. Do you really believe this is not the case?
You are clinging to a two-year-old accusation that has been debunked by Congressional investigators. There was never a stand-down order given. There were not any forces "an hour away" that could have been used to stop the attack. GOP Report Acknowledges That The U.S. Military Couldn’t Have Changed Benghazi Outcome House Committee Report Is Latest To Refute Key Element Of Benghazi Hoax: No Stand Down Order Given
All success stories. Unemployment is less than 7%. Barry's best years are still %2 higher than W's worst. The economy has rebounded steadily since Bush's crash in 2008.;_ylu=X3oDMTEza2wxZ3RmBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQwMl8x/RV=2/RE=1399150389/RO=10/RU= Taxes have not changed and inflation is low. the price of food and fuel have increased by 150% in the lst 5 ye Foreign policy is a string of successes. Crimea, Ukraine, Libya Syria is still using chemical weapons. Iraq is starting to come apart again. North Korea is testing nuclear weapons and threatening South Korea and Iran is putting a nuke together. Russia is buzzing our bases with bombers while the Chinese are warning Japan over some island dispute.