not angry at all, but you nor anyone else is going to tell me what to drop, again go fuck yourself bitch and deal with it.
Again so angry, might wanna get your BP checked. You sound like the adults on Charlie Brown, waa waaa waa wa.
Guess the same can be said to you, all i've heard from you is childish name calling. Here's a little tid bit for you. The Presidents of ABC and CBS News have siblings working at the White House with ties to Benghazi, guess that'll buy you a little hush hush from the media. But after what the DOJ did concerning the AP... me thinks the love affair between the BHO WH and hid media darlings is about over. Hell one of the most liberal BHO supporters Jon Stewart is going off on Obama about this chit. You make of it what you will but things are not peachy for the Pres. right now.
Don't waste your time on this guy MM. He cannot argue anything on the merits. Instead he likes to sit back and make adolescent sexual references that have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion; kind of like he did in post #92. There are plenty of guys around here that I completely disagree with but who are able to articulate their positions well enough that they have my respect.