Do you really want to see a half empty Tiger Stadium? Football and partying go hand in hand. Even games that I don't personally attend are a lot more fun to watch on TV with a few friends and lots of good food and drink. People in Louisiana are not teetotaling Quakers or Amish or Mormans. I have never been to a BYU home game but I would bet everything I own that a Saturday night in Tiger Stadium preceded by a day or tailgating beats the hell out of the atmosphere in Provo, Utah. Sure, some people drink too much and go way overboard but the same thing happens in Oxford, Gainesville, Knoxville, Tuscaloosa, Tallahassee, Ann Arbor, Columbus, Norman, Austin, Lincoln, College Station, Athens, Auburn, Fayetteville, Clemson, Green Bay, Oakland, the Superdome, Miami, New England, Philadelphia, Denver, Tampa Bay, Chicago, Dallas, Boulder, Atlanta, Blacksburg, New York, Cleveland, Detroit, Houston, Nashville, Indianapolis, and everywhere else where big time college or pro football is played. We are all in the stadiums because of the football but we pay a lot of money for tickets, parking, concessions, ect. We spend our hard earned money on grills, pots, burners and other portable outdoor cooking equipment not to mention the food and drinks. If I am going to invest that kind of money and a full day for the experience I am going to drink beer and whatever else and so are my friends. All of us Tiger fans are "really interested in the game" but we want to make the whole day a fun day too.
Does this refresh your memory? Interesting that you use the word "partner" I have never heard a male heterosexual refer to a personal sex act as having it with a "partner" The word partner has recently become associated with the significant others involved in a gay relationship. Like Seinfeld said "Not that there's anything wrong with it" I relaxed without alcohol once. I was high on drugs.