What has Russia got to do with this. It is very hard to go back to some place you have never been. I do believe you said you would enjoy the game more if you could drink beer. Alcohol numbs the senses. How can that help you enjoy anything more. Also, having a differing opinion doesn't make people un American.
As I stated earlier, it has to be an SEC rule, not NCAA, as I have to been to on campus facilities at non-SEC schools where it has been allowed. Either that, or UH is blatantly ignoring the rule. Also, alcohol is allowed in the luxury suites at Tiger Stadium, which of course, are owned by the TAF.
WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!! They have an open bar in the suites during the game, are the suites not on campus? How do you explain the fact that in the suites it's drink till you drop but the rest of the stadium is high and dry?
The east side suites are a seperate structure from TS. This is how they get around it. It's not attached to TS and not subject to SEC rules. How convienent!
when i said that they should sell the land the stadium is on so is no longer technically on campus and they can sell beer i was kidding. i'm not trying to be tricky and get around the rules what am i, huey long? when i say "go back to russia" i was joking again. see, i was attempting to relate your anti-beer stance to being anti-freedom. i will concede it wasnt very humorous. next time you go the dentist for a drilling, tell the guy you dont want to be numbed because numbing you never helps your enjoyment. in fact i have no idea why anyone ever drinks beer. it is terrible and those people you see partying and laughing and having sex with each as a result of drinking, they would have a better time if they hadnt numbed themselves.
You are correct, however why don't they sell beer in the East Upper? Maybe it's like during prohibition where alcohol is for the fat cats only. :dis: :dis: :dis: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
next time you go the dentist for a drilling, tell the guy you dont want to be numbed because numbing you never helps your enjoyment. in fact i have no idea why anyone ever drinks beer. it is terrible and those people you see partying and laughing and having sex with each as a result of drinking, they would have a better time if they hadnt numbed themselves.[/QUOTE] How does going to a dentist equate to anything in this discussion. We were talking about fun events. As far as drinking, partying and laughing no problem. But if you think having sex drunk is more fun than when you are straight you might what to try it sober. You are right though. People do wake up the next morning woundering just how much fun they had and who they had it with.
here are some facts: 1. drinking is fun. 2. getting drunk is awesome. 3. drinking and not getting drunk is also awesome. 4. beer tastes great and should be consumed often, especially at sporting events. 5. having the option to enjoy tasty beers at sporting events is good. 6. numbing yourself with beer is great. 7. getting treated like a child who cant be trusted with beer is bad. 8. selling beer at the stadium would generate tons of money, which could be given to charities or children or charities for children and the world would be a better place.
I am surprised that it's nearly 50-50 on the voting. Although the 3rd category obviously should be added to the Yes vote, giving the beer drinkers a somewhat decided advantage. I say you people just continue to get drunk before the game starts while you tailgate. I never will get why people drink to the point that they do not even remember what happened during the game. I know there are responsible drinkers out there, but the vast majority don't seem to be.
This has to be a joke. Have you ever had a delicious ice cold beer? If not I'd be glad to buy you one. In a lot of cases without drinking there wouldn't be any sex. Have you ever had sex while drunk? Don't knock it until you try it.