I am really surprised at the results of this poll so far. When I started it I thought the overwhelming majority would be in favor of beer in TS.
I say no....cuz I don't drink so it doesn't affect me there, and it pisses me off when people sitting above me throw their mess and it gets all over me after a TD.....it pretty much ruins the excitement for me....
You, Sir, are a LAWYER! Would you please educate the other members of Tigerforums about the legality of my Letter of Marque? I'm tired of being slanderously labeled as a Pirate. Thank you very much.
Actually, I am not a lawyer. I'm smarter :wink: . But, I shall attempt to defend your honor by educating the masses: http://www.piratedocuments.com/Pages/what_is_letter_of_marq.htm
Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....?????? :grin: :grin: :grin: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Not an NCAA Rule Can't be an NCAA rule. Has to be SEC. The reason I know this is because I have been to both baseball and basketball games at the U of Houston when LSU played them. Both venues are on campus and both sold beer.
I've often thought about using a 'Camel back ' back pack full of beer and ice. You could only do this when the weather required a jacket in order to cover it up. I just haven't had the balls to try it.
I wonder if there is a way to design a fat suit like they wear in movies to make skinny guys look fat to hold a couple of cases of cold beer. I'm not skinny so it would make me look humongous but I could go to the games with a skinny friend. :lol: :thumb: :rofl: :hihi:
when i was a kid in like 5th grade my friend's dad made me stuff my raincoat with beers. i didnt really understand why or ask any questions, but i am sure my buddy's dad was happy he brought me, because none of the security dudes wanted to search a little kid for beer and i got in no problem.
Doesn't matter who controls what part of the stadium. Tiger Stadium is on campus. NCAA regs strictly prohibit the sale of alcohol at on-campus athletic facilities. We might as well forget it. The NCAA has been asked frequently to reconsider this rule, but they will not budge, and the vast majority of college presidents are unwilling to allow sale and consumption of alcohol (and all the legal/social/moral ramifications that go with it) at their schools. It just ain't gonna happen. All it would take is one drunk getting too rowdy, one tossed beer bottle injuring a young girl, one tragedy with a kid who had a little too much and was standing too close to the railing, and lawsuits are flying everywhere. Most colleges have decided it just ain't worth the headache and the legal bills. So keep sneakin' flasks in (if you can get 'em by security).