I voted "Free Beer after TD or Homerun" but I actually don't think they should allow beer to be sold. Its cheaper to sneak whiskey in anyway.. :grin:
This is why we love night games so we can drink all day and barely make it into the stadium. But we still have to bring in hard liquor because we start to sober up by halftime if we dont.
Don't know about a brew, but I've never had a problem walking right thru the gate at the Box with a daiquiri in my hand.
huh? are you crazy? i am not saying i cant have fun without beer. i am simply saying i enjoy beer and would prefer having it to not having it. the same thing is true about iced tea. i like beer. having things that i like makes a difference in my enjoyment. i dunno how that isnt true for everyone. what kind of crazy person could possibly not want a cold beer at a sporting event? go back to russia.
It's actually an NCAA rule that does not allow alcohol to be served on campus. The few colloeges that can serve alcohol are those whose stadiums are not on campus. That is why Tulane can serve - they play in the Superdome which is not on campus. Most bowl games are not on campuses so you can buy alcohol there too.
"That is why Tulane can serve" It hasn't helped their attendance. LOL Maybe that is the only way a fan can stomach a Tulane game. By the time the score gets out of hand you are so drunk you can't recognize which team is in green. You can sit far enough away from the nearest fan that you won't get hit with a beer can.
lsu should sell the land tiger stadium is on to a private company, and then it would no longer be on campus, and then they could sell beer to freedom loving americans.