1. she clearly is a dumbass. and she wont amount to anything on the national stage.
  2. I find that an interesting statement since the people who are considered smart and went to Ivy schools, Bush and Obama both haven't been very good presidents.
  3. right, well, i think there is very little correlation between presidential success and intelligence and education. and l think palin would be a vastly superior president to obama, even though she is stupid. but i dont think she has any real chance, because people know she is stupid.
  4. I don't know, I think anyone who is on the opposite side of Obama will have a real chance to win if things continue the way they are going.
    People will be anti-Obama and Democrat if the unemployment rate and economy don't improve much the next 3 years.
    People are smart enough to realize that you can only blame Bush for so long sooner or later that will shift.
    If Palin is the nominee she could win.
    Its the economy stupid will be the slogan, I think the unemployment rate in Michigan or Detroit is like 15% or something like that.

    No one thought Ted Kennedy's seat would go to a Republican either.
    Anything can happen in politics but I acknowledge that it might not as well.
  5. That's where you're wrong. Voters are generally MORE stupid
  6. I don't hate Palin, Archie. I scoff at Palin. I mock and jeer her. I laugh at Palin. And honestly, I hope she leads the Republican Party exactly where they need to go. :grin:

    Who doesn't?

    Hmm, let's see . . . opposes research, . . . promotes mythology. Like I said, a brainless ideologue.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

    Palin in charge. Would you like to make a small wager on that possibility, chief? :hihi:
  7. red is exactly right about palin. she is completely unelectable. people who are not fox news fans will never take her seriously. she only hurts the party.
  8. Watch and learn, Grasshoppers.
  9. SF just wants to see her nekkid
  10. you forgot--"she's for income redistribution". but i suppose its ok because she is gop (and sexy)