They don't have to know chit from Shinola either. The ones that do are usually the better ones, however. But she falls back on it too much. (I read all of the newspapers, I know all of the founding fathers . . . ). If one is trying desperately to be taken seriously as a knowledgeable candidate for President, they really ought to know another name besides George Washington. Indeed.
she clearly knows more of them than washington, everyone does. she knows that if she says a specific one, she will be asked why, which she doesnt know. none of this changes a couple facts. 1. palin is stupid 2. in terms of actual policy, she would make a far better president than obama 3. glenn beck is so genuinely terrible that i dont like to look at him
Based on what? Quitting her last political job (and her only real qualification) before her term was up to become a celebrity?
principles. again, these things called "principles" are things that guide decisions. an idiot can make a better decision than einstein if they are guided by the proper principles. sourdough or sabanfan have no political experience, but they would both be much better with domestic policy than obama. it isnt about experience. it isnt about who can speak the best in front of a crowd. it isnt about being charming or smart. it is simply about signing the good bills and vetoing the bad ones and generally favoring proper policy. palin would almost surely do that better than obama, even though she is a kind of an idiot. if you could train your dog to veto big spending bills, he would be a better president than obama on domestic issues. now, obama is a decent fellow with regard to some international issues. presumably palin would be very similar, as both would be continuing bush policy.
yes, because iam an idiot, lolzerz red wins. you seem to be unable to grok the point, or at least unable to admit that you understand it. george bush was a moron, at least by the high standards we should judge our top men by. but that didnt matter when it came to foreign policy because he had the right philosophy. so the principles were more important than the intellect in terms of real policy. the same is true to some extent with palin. it just isnt that important to have the qualities we think of as important for leaders in a president. the president is not a military unit commander. he doesnt need to be a genius motivator and orator and tactical master. he doesnt need to inspire us or embolden us. he simply needs to favor good policy and oppose bad policy. i should mention that i learned the word "grok" from red, and i like that word.
I understand what you are saying, but I can't agree. It sounds like Palin said it. Bush was a foreign policy disaster, amigo. The "principles" that you admired were deeply flawed ones. And Bush may not have been an intellect, but he was not a moron. Idealistic, inflexible, and misguided by his sycophants for sure, but not the airhead that Palin is and shall always be. Only to right-wing ideologues, because they were right-wing principles. There are others, you know. Principles can be virtuous or unsound, they can be noble or self-serving, they can be unrealistic or pragmatic, they can be conservative or liberal . . . and occasionally moderate. He is, in fact, the Commander in Chief of the US military. Yet, . . . the best ones are.
You hate Palin because she is the anti-(alleged moderate)liberal. She emphasizes ethics and openness in government. She opposes abortion and embryonic stem cell research. She's for the teaching of creationism. She's against same sex marriage and is for tapping into our own natural resources as opposed to being the world's oil bitch. She is not an "airhead" and it's pretty ignorant and petty of you to label her as such. It's going to be fun to watch you meltdown when she's in charge, and she may well be somneday because Obama is fking things up at a record pace.
i know, i meant a literal unit, where you actually lead a smaller group of men and need to motivate and deal with them directly.