of course. politicians are not political theory students. they dont have to know each founding father and which stands for what and why. it isnt an impossibly stupid answer to say you favor what they did as a collective. palin is an idiot, but this is not one of the reasons. glenn beck is a far bigger idiot than palin.
Come on martin. Don't you think that Sarah could at least blurted out "Thomas Jefferson" or "George Washington" (or maybe George Jefferson because He's finally got a piece of the pie, you betcha) The biggest idiot is John McCain. If he would have picked any semi prominent middle aged white Republican political hack as his running mate there is a good chance that he would be in he White House now instead of Barack Hussein Obama.
Beck - who is your favorite founding father Sarah? Palin - Oh, they are all great, ......... Beck - Bullcrap, who is it...... Palin - damn Glenn, ok, George Jefferson of course.
I don't think Obama would ever agree to an interview with Beck but if he were asked the same question I wonder how his teleprompter would respond. :grin:
i agree. i know women that didnt vote for him, or chose not to vote (which i dont agree with) that consider themselves conservatives because of the choice of palin. my sister is as conservative as they come and she calls palin "barbie". if mccain wanted a woman and that was THE qualification for a running mate, mary fallin of oklahoma would have been a much better choice. and i am not a fallin fan. but she is far better than palin. Mary Fallin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is it just me or is there a stick in McCain's back that props him upright? That guy is going to explode one day he is so tightly wound.
Beck thinks there is some secret society of rich dudes who are plotting to take over the world. I don't see why someone with the Political capital of Palin would give him the time of day. He is a nut job.