Well, I like Lane's chances if indeed he will be the starter. He's given up 4 runs in the past 24.1 innings for a 1.48 ERA
Miami is a great team but it certainly won't take "heroics" for LSU to win. Both LSU and Miami are very evenly matched. I think it will be close and the team that does the best job of staying focused and relaxed will win.:tigbas:
Miami has more of a quality starter, ie, consistent....but our hitting far outweighs theirs by far and we are much more tested than they are by a country mile. LSU is the better team if we can match their starting pitching.
BostonBengal... "high and mighty" I wasn't saying Carrillo is going to show up and shut you guys down. Won't happen LSU's offense is too good. But 13 runs as that poster said...who's being "high and mighty???"
13 runs is a serious reach yet not impossible. i see a 7-5 game actually and with our offense I think we spank your starting pitching. why? because A&M's shut us down for as long as someone can hope and it won't happen again for 8 innings. Look for us to bust through and shake your rotation up. Patterson goes deep twice while Jay Zee has 3 RBI. you'll learn who that is by Saturday. thanks for playing.
tirk... "but our hitting far outweighs theirs by far and we are much more tested than they are by a country mile." And you base this on??? * LSU against NCAA regional teams 16-13 * Miami against NCAA regional teams 21-8 * LSU against super regional teams 8-9 * Miami against super regional teams 11-4 * LSU's offense: 8.03 runs per game, .333 BA, .401 OBA, .511 slug, 79 HR, 43 SB * Miami's offense: 8.65 runs per game, .329 BA, .424 OBA, .525 slug, 78 HR, 132 SB I think we can "amend" that previous statement of yours...:wink:
I base this on remaining teams not REGIONAL teams. try super regional teams then redo them. then you have your answer. SEC far outweighs any competition you care to include in your schedule much less all at home. No, no amendment needed. you will learn in due time.
I put the super regional team comparrison in the post... * LSU against super regional teams 8-9 * Miami against super regional teams 11-4 And sorry but your original comment comparing the two teams offense --- "our hitting far outweighs theirs by far"...that's just :dis::dis::dis:
o yea so are we thats why we are called "fans" which is short for fanatics so no $hit we wont agree i say lets just let it play out on the field