I'm cracking up at Tirk posting a poll and then steering it. Kinda like the mafia. You've got two choices, pay up or get your knees bashed in. Except in this case it's pick "neither" or feel the wrath of Tirk.:lol: Funny thread.
The more he posts, the more I get to look at the pictures. Never was one much for reading without pictures.
well thats why I waited and posted my opinion a couple posts after. it was 8-0-1 at that point. i just couldnt take it anymore. :lol::lol: this sec loyalty kills me.
Seems strange. I pulled for LSU in their game last year, not despite the fact that they were rivals, but because they're rivals... but in a different division. I might have felt different if we were in the same division. I feel amused when Tennessee or Georgia is having a miserable year. So long as we beat LSU, though, I hope to hell they're doing good that year. Makes the win look better.
C'mon, I mean, how bad could the wrath of tirk be? And, tirk, the chances of me moving back to Livingston Parish are just not very good.
as you can see, I tried to use logic for persuasion (not bark) which is about as good as using greek with women. goes right whoooosh over. and this ones a teacher.