This is what I am most interested in.. The Changes to the formula that are still being debated... I wish they would give a decision on this sooner. If they drop strength of schedule and make it to where the BCS poll is only used if there is a discrepency in the two human polls (AP poll counts 1/3, Coaches poll counts 1/3, BCS poll counts 1/3), then it's all right back where it started: biased media/coaches polls determining who gets a shot at the title. ATeam Ranked #1 pre-season, never loses a game. BTeam Ranked #2 pre-season, never loses a game. CTeam Ranked #4 pre-season, never loses a game. DTeam Ranked #10 pre-season, never loses a game. Teams C & D are out of luck because they can never jump teams A and B in the media/coaches polls, regardless of the difficulty of schedules played. If this is how it ends up, and it very well may, then this would indeed truly suck.
This is exactly what has happened with the formula. The BCS committee has basically washed their hands of it and has basically told the media polls to decide who should play for the NC. Chicken shyt mutha f*ckas didn't have the balls to correct it. They just plain gave up. When is the last time you seen the AP and Coaches poll disagree on the top 2 teams being the the top 2 teams being the same I mean #1 and #2 are the same 2 teams in both polls...maybe not in the same order..but the same 2 teams There will never be a #3 team in one poll and them be #2 (or #1) in another and then the computer polls have to decide it. Never.
Is this official? I thought this part was still under debate as one possible (although they have stated likely) option.
I think we have two different issues here ... This article talks about the NEW contract in 2006, not the changes to the EXISTING BCS formula which they are still debating. Those changes will go into effect this season. But I'm sure they will screw both up...
Amazing. They managed to change the system in such a way as to piss off everyone. Who the hell wanted this????