Ott is not bad. Buddy Songy is OK. Blake Andrews sucks. Everytime someone calls all he says is "you're absolutely right". Man that hour is a complete waste of time. Love him or hate him Condon gets some great guests and does a good job interviewing. I wish Hanigriff would do a show again. He was always real informative on LSU and the Saints.
I spent some time back in BR over the holidays and listened to a little of the local sports talk radio. I agree that Blake Andrews should not be on the air. Sounds like a nice guy, but he's very uninformed. Ott is the opposite, knowledgeable but not very likable. When I lived in BR before, Hanegriff was still on the air, and I always enjoyed his show. Condon can be fun, but his act wears thin over time. If some of these shows are now online, I may listen every now and then.
No, my last name is not OTT. I happened to stop on channel 22 one night during football season and he was talking to a caller and making funny faces and he just cracked me up, so then I started listening to him on the radio on the drive home from work. Buddy is good too, but I just like OTT the best
When listening to Buddy on the air, does anyone else get the impression that you are listening to the exact same show as the day before. I mean really, I can probably recite the calling order for tomorrow's show. Not that any of the other guys are a whole lot better, but I always get the feeling that these guys play poker together every night to discuss their calls in the morning. It has been a long time since I heard something original on Buddy's show. It has become a little boring IMO. Condon has great interviews, just don't let him talk too long. I would personally like to hear J. Rome live in Buddy's slot. He is awfully biased against LSU and anything outside of Cali, but his show is usually entertaining.
ANYBODY but Jim Rome.... Ott has a personal axe to grind with LSU. He is often misinformed and when proven wrong crawfishes his way out of the conversation. And if you know him off the air..well, lets just leave it at that.
Jon Fine and Blake Andrews are awful. At least Fine does some research for his show although the guy looks like a character from Willy Wonka. Message to Blake if he happens to read this board......Read the newspaper in the morning before you do Fine's show or will atleast make you look like you have a clue.....and Most Important.....have an Opinion, do not agree with every Tom,Dick and Harry that calls Condon is good. Best Condon interview ever was with Billy Packer. Packer got smart with him for his long ass questions. Ott is Ok. Rubs me wrong some times but they are suppose to do that. One thing I hate he does, although it's subsided with time, is he compares Athletes ACL injuries to his when he gets a chance. sorry Jimmy boy but I promise you the rehab they do and what you did are in 2 different universes. Some of his callers are good......i went to high school with gubernatorial candidate "Doc"..... Songy is OK as well. I can't stand his "Tell me how great LSU and/or Baton Rouge is" attitude sometimes. Sick of hearing about condeminiums in Florida and the chic who can't read out her cue cards worth a $hit. Baton Rouge sports radio seriously misses Handagriff. He and Gordy could do one helluva job.
Hanagriff and Gordy do a good job. I look forward to hearing them after the games on the way home form TS. Maybe the chick on Songys show doesnt do well with cue cards..but SHE IS HOT...CRAWFISH can back me up on I will let her slide.
Dude...Hot, schmott....She was an absolute DISASTER... I remember hearing her...and I wondered how she went through her day and had any conversations...So mechanical...So contrived...So...Bad...
the Sports Babe? gawd if that is who you are referring to I wanted to drive my truck into a pole rather than listen to that. Remember Kathy? I literally drove off the road when she came on but they were very nice to her since she wasn't all there. Yes I agree with Buddy but his show has been the same for 15 years lol. basically the same people and the same sponsors and the same sexual innuendos with any female of any being that calls or crosses his path. As far as hangriff, he was the most straight forward, no nonsense guy on the air but alone he was BORING as hell. With Rush they are excellent since Gordy brings out some wit and humor. I know Ott and he has no axe to grind with LSU....he just tries so hard to be objective or a non-homer, he freaking goes overboard and becomes closer to Fred w/o realizing it. This year he definitely was on the Football bandwagon before most and was good to hear.