Bass: No news is bad news

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by friday, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    You were all over Bass' ass in this thread, but yet you have no comment now that he is staying?

    If there is something negative to say, you are here ... but you offer nothing positive!
  2. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    How true... let's show some support

    I haven't been on this board long, but MAN are there some bball bashers on this site. Although this was a tumultuous season, I hope the true LSU fans will keep this in perspective. In every year the past few years that Brady's been here there has been marked improvement in his team's RPI. This year could be considered a disappointment, true enough, but his team still ends up being one of the top 40-50 programs in the country with a shot at the big dance. Losing the team's best player, and playing with 4 freshman playing pivotal roles, shouldn't necessarily be an excuse, but it is a legitimate factor in the hiccup.

    All in all, tho' despite 95% of the posts on Tiger basketball being negative, there were some optimistic posts I remember reading saying... Bass stays, Pierre stays, and Davis arrives. And, sure enough, that's the case today. Perhaps the "drama" of this season was too much self-induced by the "fans" and we should all just be cautiously optimistic for next year's season and support the team. Brady has locked up, as well, two what I hope to be solid assistants going into next season.

    Brady has, however, entered into a new era of his coaching career at LSU. No more excuses... He has the added difficulties now, of adding players who are constantly eyeing the NBA, and that will be a continuing pressure given that Bass, Davis and potentially a few others, will be finicky. Great college coaches can establish a system that works and quickly mold their players into that system--and they have to do it quicker than ever.

    Questions to solve in the off-season for Brady?

    1. What offensive scheme will Brady install to solve their anemic offense and to suit his current players?
    2. How do you improve our guard play?
    3. How do you establish consistency at the point?

    And perhaps more important than it all, for Skip--how do you improve the public relations for this team? :geaux:
  3. friday

    friday Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    actually, this is the first time I have been at a computer since yesterday afternoon. Frankly, I am ecstatic that bass is coming back and furthermore am pleased that I was wrong. If you read through the thread, the point was that we had heard nothing and it was believed that that was not a good thing. The other issues that were brought up were related to selfish agents, young immature kids kids like bass and the lure of the NBA. Some of this discussion was fun and tongue and cheek. So, get off my ass about my perceived negativity. you're the only one to ever question this. Am I a brady fan? not really. however, I don't bash him on this board like some others do. I try to state my reasons rationally and logically without any personal jabs.

    there is big problem on this board with people like yourself. you take this stuff too seriously. anyone that makes a comment about LSU athletics gets branded as negative, a brady basher, anti-LSU, etc. get off it. that's what makes a forum (a la free speech alley). I don't know where you come implying that I don't add anything but negativity to this board 'cause your flat out wrong. you're too quick to generalize and that's not good. it's not your job to censor people just enjoy the freedom to speak your mind.
  4. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    So you can speak your mind, but I can't?

    I never suggested you don't post ... just expressed my opinion about your negativity in many of your post!

    It just so happen that you didn't like it ... :lol:
  5. friday

    friday Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    you can say whatever you want but make sure it's accurate and truthful. All I was doing was disputing your claim of my perceived negative posts. again, speak your mind as that's what this is all about, but if you're going to single someone out, you better have the ammo to back it up.
  6. Tiger1958

    Tiger1958 Founding Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    We will have a darn good BB team next year.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    john brady for preseason coach of the year!

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