I agree that the program is definitely slipping, but remember, its not where you start in the polls. (Atleast in Baseball)
I agree. Pre-season polls don't mean a heck of a lot. Ask Tennessee. Personally I would not be too disappointed it they just did away with them altogether. They really don't contribute much and should not be taken too seriously.
If we're "losing our power hours program", then I guess you could say the same for those teams ranked BELOW us. Besides, unlike football where pre-season rankings MIGHT be the difference between playing in the title game and not, in baseball, all you REALLY need to do is be in the top 64 and you're in the postseason. After that, ANYTHING can happen. I don't give a chit! about pre-season baseball rankings.
This is the correct answer. I don't think we are going to be anywhere near 15 this year. BTW, Oregon State was in the College World Series last year. Just an FYI.
Southwest Missouri State was in it a few years back? So what? Oregon State won't repeat or come close trying
And the Womens' basketball team will finish better than the mens'. Is there a point to your ridiculous statement?
Given the talent they lost to graduation and the draft, and that they don't have a home field to play on this year - except for Zephyr which I hear they are trying to work something out with - I think that was to be expected.
It will still be nice to not have to hear about how good they are this season, even though last year, everyone here knew they had no chance to win the title, even though they were ranked #1