right but only some of those cells are unique to another person, half of which is the dna from the father. a unique creature that never existed before. of course i am ok with killing it.
Define "creature." crea⋅ture –noun 1. an animal, esp. a nonhuman 2. anything created, whether animate or inanimate. 3. person; human being 4. an animate being. 5. a person whose position or fortune is owed to someone or something and who continues under the control or influence of that person or thing
eh, cant be bothered. the issue doesnt matter to me. both sides are right and i dont care either way. kill babies, dont kill babies, no big deal. keep on truckin amigos.
your attempts at showing the moral deficiencies of abortion are a detriment to the cause. "god saved the salt baby"? how embarrassing.
Good, so lets say you have a 12 month year old son since he can't converse like adults we can all just hold him down and stick a tube in the back of his head, suck his brains out and take his life.......i mean it doesn't matter right he can't really talk or socialize until 18 months. Do you hear how stupid you sound? That was and idiotic statement.