I don't want my tax dollars paying for it as I would never personally do it, and hope my sister/family/friend wouldn't either. I am pro-choice though, because that is their choice, not mine, and I definitely don't have the audacity to tell an associate or stranger what they can or cannot do.
this is nutjob philosophy. im imploring you not to cling to your guns and religion and hunt down an abortion doctor.
There seems to be much less concern for the living than there is for the unborn. How can outlawing abortion be reconciled with a woman's right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness? tgsam
One's rights extend only as far as the end of their nose. All parties in the discussion contend that what a woman does with and to her own body are her business. It is what the woman choosing an abortion does to the baby's body that pro-lifers object to.
When someone can explain to me the phenotypic difference that makes the fertilized cell different from the born baby I will change my position.
Sure, try morphology. Shape, structure, colour, pattern, as well as form and structure are completely different between an egg cell and a human being.
Does this look like a egg cell to you? Looks like a baby being killed to me. link:Partial Birth Abortion Diagrams Looks like an innocent baby to me RED.