Barbara Boxer

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by PURPLE TIGER, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    MM, I apologize if you took my remarks personally. I was not implying that you agree with the "shake down artists", merely that your comment about the need for black-oriented organizations triggered other thoughts. Nor was I implying that I believe the "shake down artists" speak for the "black community." Quite the contrary; that's why its frustrating to see the mics and cameras get thrust in their faces every time they open their mouths. The mainstream media tries to make us think they speak for all African-Americans, but what they are doing is slowing the progress of race relations in this country.

    I don't know why you brought rappers into the conversation; I certainly didn't.
  2. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I wouldn't say you should be a Republican, but you certainly should question the party you're in and whether they are really doing anything beneficial to african-americans.

    Suppression is a bitch. Democrats are experts at it.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Lets make this clear, I dont vote for democrats because Im black. I vote because I agree with them more often than I do with republicans. if I were to switch parties, I would be an independent. No democrat has ever suppresed me in any manner. I dont care about social and entitlement programs because I dont benefit from them. I think welfare, food stamps, and other social programs should be reformed again so people couldnt be on them no more than 2 years or less. Those programs dont help me, my tax dollars go towards that as well. It pisses me off to go to the market and see people with 2 baskets full of food and pull out a food stamp card at the register. I went to school and worked hard so I wouldnt have to be on those programs. Im still in grad school right now and I am applying to law school after I finish my grad program. I dont use race as an excuse, because I wasnt raised that way. No one in my family does that. I rather work hard for what I want than to be given a little of what someone thinks I need to survive. However, no one is going to tell me that I need to be in the republican party when they continually discriminates against my race and miniorities. I refuse to be in an organization where I an continually insulted. Also, no one is going to tell me to get over certain aspects of history, like racism, segregation, slavery, lynching, and bigotry. I dont use that as a crutch, because if i did I wouldnt be where I am today. But i will not sit around like it doesnt exist or never has. Ive experienced alot of racism in my life and heard horror stories, like how my grandfather was beaten by white police officers when he came back from WWII in his army uniform. But i have used that as motivation, not an excuse. Yes there is alot of reverse racism that goes on in this country. But history tilts towards minorities suffering more of it than other race. I have many friends of different backgrounds and my best friend is white(lol, cliche'), but its true.
    So I really dont care what people think here about what racism really is. To deny history and facts is bs. But its there right to do that, it doesnt effect my life.

    Thats my rant for the day.:thumb:
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Harry Alford is hilarious. Glenn Beck, on his radio show, asked Alford what set him off. Alford replied "I'm trying to debate cap and trade and she wants to take me to Colored Town". :D

    By the way. We should stop acting as though Mastermind is our resident black guy. He's more conservative than a lot of posters here. He just views things from his own perspective (as do I).
    1 person likes this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    So just a question here, not making any type of accusation but would like your opinion? What do you say about Condie Rice, Clarence Thomas, JC Watts, Alford, all very prominent republicans that happen to be black. Are they crazy? misguided? traitors to their race because they are members of the party that are outright blatent racist?

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    No, I wouldnt label them traitors, because I have alot of respect for people like Condie Rice, JF Watts, and others. I have no respect for Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes and some others. Its more about the individual aspects of their philosophy then what party they belong too. Maybe you missed the part where I said I dont vote for democrats because they are black, I vote because I agree with more of their policies than republicans. A philosophy difference Clarence Thomas for example, couple of months back he said people are to concerned with personal liberties and rights. That made my head spin, the irony of a supreme court justice making that statement, through me for a loop.
    But I would definitely label them misguided, maybe they dont mind being insulted. But i'll be damn if I am apart of something and constantly insulted. I believe I have worked to hard to sit and endure something like that.
  7. shaqazoolu

    shaqazoolu Concentrated Awesome

    Sep 6, 2003
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    It always seems to come back to that, doesn't it. I totally just gave your sig an internet high-5.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Help me out MM...

    You vote Democrat because..."I agree with them more often than I do with republicans" but then you make the following comments...I dont care about social and entitlement programs because I dont benefit from them. I think welfare, food stamps, and other social programs should be reformed again so people couldnt be on them no more than 2 years or less. It pisses me off to go to the market and see people with 2 baskets full of food and pull out a food stamp card at the register. I went to school and worked hard so I wouldnt have to be on those programs. I dont use race as an excuse, because I wasnt raised that way. I rather work hard for what I want than to be given a little of what someone thinks I need to survive."

    You do realize you just agreed with almost every Republican and very few Democrats with those comments...don't you?

    You also mentioned..."No democrat has ever suppresed me in any manner." "I refuse to be in an organization where I an continually insulted." "Im not 100% Democrat, but Id never be a republican." "African Americans vote for one party because of..."

    Don't you realize the heads of the Democratic party fully understand and continuously sell this argument/mindset to keep those votes in their back pocket? They realize absolutely nothing they do will change that so your vote is taken for granted. In exchange, what have African Americans/blacks received from them? A few token positions?

    Have we seen the quality of life for this segment of America dramatically increase? You know the answer is no. Can we truly blame that on the racist Republicans? You can try to convince yourself of that but I believe you're smarter than that.

    You (or anyone else) can go through life and never vote for a Republican. That's your right and I'm glad you have it. But to say one party is completely to blame and the other has never suppresed you is ridiculous and I think you know that.

    Voting Independent/other is a wonderful thing but I seriously doubt we'll see that occur during our lifetime. Once again, that's your right but please don't try to continuously lay fault with the wrong group when the person who can bring positive change is guy who stares at you in the mirror everyday.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I agree with Thomas. I don't think he's saying there are too many personal liberties and rights. It's just that too many people act like they have the freedom to do any damn thing they want to because "they have rights".

    I learn a lot about peoples' bad sides from watching "COPS". :wink:

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    You still dont understand it, no matter what you believe Republicans can do better, I still wont be insulted like that. I never said Republicans are the blame of all problems of minorities. My quality of life is fine and I dont have to be insulted to gain that.

    You are so responding as if these are facts, these are your strong opinions. And you continue this rhetoric where you generalize why African Americans vote for democrats, which just simply isnt true.

    Also, I never said republicans are the blame, I said I dont agree with alot of their positions.

    your problem is you cant differentiate an individual vs the race of that individual.
    Im not laying fault for anything, show me where I layed my problems on republicans? I dont make excuses, thats what you should have taken from my post, but you didnt. You continue to defend republicans.

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