Bandwagon fans are loving Brady now

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jeffinbama, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. RedElephants

    RedElephants Founding Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    Good job...Way to come out of the closet PBTiger!
  2. clair

    clair Rockets

    Dec 23, 2004
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    If Brady doesn't recruit, then why do we have all of this talent...

    you are a ****ing loser
  3. scrappy

    scrappy Founding Member

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Well I've been on the Brady and Co. bandwagon. I think JB isnt the greatest X's and O's guy, but no matter what, when the team is on the verge of winning 20 games for the 2nd straight year, he must be doing something right. Personally, I think coaches get way to much credit especially in basketball. In basketball, talent alone will win you a lot of games. LSU does nothing special out there, they basically just play ball. They hit shots.
  4. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    Nov 17, 2003
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    Question.. Just one question..

    Did you see Ben Voogd play tonight? How about the past few games?

    Oops, guess that's two questions.


    How about Temple?

    Doh! That's three questions! :bball: :tigerhead
  5. scrappy

    scrappy Founding Member

    Sep 20, 2004
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    If voogd and temple continue to improve, hopefully by SEC tourney time DMitch can move to the two guard. It would be nice if the Tigers could penetrate and dish the ball to him as opposed to him having to create shots. The thing about Lil Darrell is that when he is on hes on, when he's off its a long nite. He has to be on for the Tigers to win. When a good team plays a good zone against LSU, they will need the Mitchells to hit the 3 ball like they did tonite to let them have a chance.
  6. TGer'nLHornLand

    TGer'nLHornLand Founding Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    It's been years and years of this... Brady bashing... Brady bandwagon jumpers... Brady wins... Brady loses. It's just kind of funny watching it and trying to be impartial. I guess the only thing that's fair is that something about him certainly inspires people to either love or hate him.

    BUT, perhaps there's a turning of the corner, and tonight was important. The Tigers are 5-0 in the SEC, the first time they've been that in the SEC since 1981 (the year they won the SEC I believe with an undefeated record and went to the final four). This was the first official sell out of the new PMAC and I'm happy to report, it's the first game in a while where we have near 12,000 fans in the seats for a SEC game on a Wednesday night against a 2-3 Georgia team. Bottomline, fans are coming out and supporting a winner, a team made up of good kids (and local kids) playing good ball right now, and that's something that the LSU basketball community just needs to build on.

    So, I for one am just happy that the program seems to be filled with promise again, whether people love or hate Brady... clearly more people like him again more than hate him. Certainly LSU will lose again this season, and certainly there will be those that blame Brady, but the real basketball fans will see this team and the program for what it is. An exciting young team playing better and better ball, in the context of an improving program. You have to give everyone credit for this success, the team, the coach and the administration for bringing back the magic to the PMAC.

  7. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Congrats to the Tigers on their win tonight and lets keep it going guys.

    All i know is i pull for the LSU Tigers to win at any sport they are competing in and will do so till i die.

    I dont pretend to know about Brady because i dont get to see the Tigers play living in California but he sure does seem to have them playing well right about now .

    You will always have fans that are fairweather and dont support teams that arent winning. Just deal with it and support your team.

    Geaux Tigers and keep up the good work LSU BB Ball team.
  8. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    Very little doubt LSU will make the tourney this year... But if they are one-and-done again, can anyone seriously think that making a coaching change shouldnt happen?
  9. ScottyB28

    ScottyB28 Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Hey Scrappy, Contribute or GO AWAY!
  10. Jeffinbama

    Jeffinbama Founding Member

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Can you seriously consider the statement you made that we will probably have back to back 20 win seasons and consider making a change in coaches? You fire coaches when they are not winning.

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