You are F'ing kidding me. Last year they made us change it to Tiger Bandits. And now 4TH DOWN CHEER? :angryfire :angry: :cuss:
Can you find out the actual name of this piece? Consensus has piqued my curiosity. I was in Tiger Band in '89 but I believe 2nd Down Cheer was added to the repertoire after I left (or I just don't recall it).
By the way, I just saw that the new site has most of those song clips, and the words to many of the songs. However, they don't have Shirley Q. Liquor Fight Song , and they don't have the words for Chinese Bandits . But they do call it Chinese Bandits - with a subtitle: Defensive 4th Down :thumb:
There is no name to it... just Second Down... Same thing with 3rd Down. We don't call that Eye of the Tiger... Just 3rd Down..
My sister was in the band when they started playing second down cheer. There really is no other name, however is sounds earily familiar to something they play at clemson( as do many of our school songs) since I am not familiar with their band and when they started playing things, I don't know who had it first and who modified it, but either way, we are the better band.
It was sometime after '94 when they started that second down cheer, because Tiger Band used to make fun of other schools who played that cheer. Granted, this is a better version than what other schools play, but we used yell "Go back home ... high school band" along with part of this cheer when the other band played it. I guess Frank Wickes figured the band would stop yelling this if he made them play it too.