Ban on synthetic marijuana heads to Jindal

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by KyleK, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    No one ever gets busted having grass on them when stopped for a moving violation or something? You might get out of jail within a few hours....but five minutes?
  2. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    I'm still waiting to buy his ticket to come here and test out his assumption of zero chance of being in jail for more than 5 min. They are tuff on lawbreakers here :)
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    please try to pay attention. i said i know folks that were caught with pot and they were merely asked to stomp it out. if you think i am lying, then there isnt anything i can do about that. i think the smarter cops ignore crimes that do not matter at all.

    and to be fair, they would need a credit card swipy thing for me to post bail in order for me to get out within 5 minutes. if i had a friend with me i would send him/her to the ATM so that i would be out pretty much as soon as i got to jail.

    i have been in jail before, both times i was in for less than 5 minutes.

    how much do you think bail is such that it takes so long to post it? it is a minor crime, dude.

    besides being illegal, what do you thin is wrong with pot?

    if beer were illegal, would you stop drinking it? what if we decided that people were too fat, so jambalaya was outlawed, would you stop cooking it? is everything determined by lawmaker?. is that where your morals come from? or do they come from the bible? do you refuse any sort of rational thinking and will abide by any and all rules, especially if they are absurd?
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i clearly didnt say that. you shouldnt have pot in your car unless you are transporting, you should never smoke in your car, and you shouldnt break any traffic laws while driving with pot.

    again, 60% of my friends smoke pot, none of them have been arrested or really even hassled at all, ever.

    like red said,

    "People who get busted are stupid, careless, or dealers"

    i looked up the laws. in new york you just get tickets, no jail or arrest, for the first two times caught with a joint. in texas you get arrested, but once you are bailed out (5 minutes) you get probation and a drugs course. no jail sentence, no fine.

    "With no prior felony convictions, if convicted of possession of less than one pound of marijuana a judge must impose a sentence of probation with mandatory drug treatment"

    note that a pound of weed is a huge amount. my friends buy an ounce at a time and that lasts weeks and costs 500$
  5. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    So if no credit card swipy thing at our jail means you will be there for a while. Glad we agree.

    wow, you must be telepathic to know how much the bail is gonna be. quick, how many fingers am I holding up?

    bull crap. they don't do paperwork that fast. Hey, BB, what is the fastest turnaround in yall's jail?

    in moderation, nothing



    no. However, following the law is a no brainer when it comes to my responsibility to be there for my kids and wife. It gives me the motivation to never put myself in a position of, at the minimum, embarrassing my family, or,at most, not being able to provide for them. It's called being a responsible adult.

    If I think a law is wrong, I work within the framework of the law to get it changed.

    so it's ok to have it in your car if you are transporting it? Good to know.

    Good for them. I'm happy for you and your pot smoking friends. So, when you gonna come light up in front of the cops here?

    I can find tons of examples like the following from our local paper if you like:

    Wichita County is very tough on drugs and child molesters. A guy caught w/ a dozen blister packs of pseudofed got 99 years. Granted, it was his 3rd offense, but they just do not play here. Just today in the paper, a guy w/ a half dozen pictures of an underage girl naked got 17.5 years.

    From today's paper:

    I guess you could just tell them that she like getting her picture taken or that the law was stupid and you would get off, right?

    My point is very simple. Life is much easier playing by the rules. If you don't agree with the rules, fine. Get them changed. It's also generally easier and more pleasant when you don't go around thumping your chest saying "hey, look at me. I'm gonna do whatever I want because your rules are stupid."

    Martin, we all know that you are just a blow-hard who likes to create controversy, and you do it pretty well. We get it. You really don't have to try so hard. It makes you look like an a$$. Let me know when and where to send the ticket.
  6. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    Again with the 5 minute crap. Get busted here after 5 o'clock, you don't get out till your rights are read to you and bail is posted. Most times, your rights are not read until the following morning. By the way, you know that getting a ticket means you got arrested, right? If it's NO BIG DEAL, then why doesn't everyone just walk around with a joint in their mouth? :insane:

    You stay cool there tough guy.
  7. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    no chance, especially in ayour small town where you can call a friend and have him come bail you out with a few minutes.

    it wont be much, and i will pay it no matter what it is.

    look, if you arent going to believe me then we can stop talking and you can continue to have your stupid ideas unquestioned.

    when i went to jail they didnt even close the door. they gave me a phone and i went in there and sat for less than 5 minutes. most of my time at the courthouse was spent washing my hands of the fingerprint ink. cops are not stupid, they have no interest in putting minor violators through hell.

    again, i bet you dont ever speed, right? never a mile over the limit.

    i told you i do not smoke.

    i told you the law in texas, so listen. first time pot possession is probation, no fine. you can tell me stories about crystal meth dealers with 3 felonies, or you can listen when i tell you what your laws are.

    easier for you. some people enjoy pot. i am not one of them, but i do not oppose getting intoxicated, because i favor freedom over oppression.

    easier and more pleasant for kyle, but not everyone. i know friends who enjoy the stress relief that pot brings, the same way i like a couple beers after a long day.

    if a person has a hard day at the office, and likes to unwind with a little weed and pink floyd, i say good for him. if kyle thinks red deserves to go to jail for that, then i think kyle has serious problems.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    again , if i smoked pot i simply would never ever get busted. instead of talking about crap you dont know about, ask your friends that smoke pot if it easy to keep it discreet and smoke without fear of arrest.

    also a ticket does not mean you are arrested. it means you get a ticket. do you even know what a ticket is? have you ever gotten a parking ticket? were you arrested?
  9. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    If there was no fear of arrest, they wouldn't hide it, now would they?

    oops, my bad. it means you have been charged. It also means that if you fail to appear in court, you will be arrested. As to tickets, I've had 3 in 30 years. Not too shabby I'd say :)

    BAY0U BENGAL I'm a Chinese Bandit

    Feb 11, 2009
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    It takes longer than 5 minutes to drive to the jail.

    County sheriff won't let them even see a bondsman until 7am the next day.

    martin has no morals, so he does what he likes. Good for him.

    A ticket is a courtesy. It's an affidavit just like any other criminal offense. If you don't show for court, it turns into a warrant. I feel like martin knows this, though.

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