advantage LSU toss up forget the league rank, look at the points. toss up toss up 30 yards, well that's a field goal... toss up toss up, unless someone was at 50 or better or 20 or worse. rarely happens toss up, again unless you're above 50 or someone is below 20.... it's situational...goal line matters. rarely happens there's that 30 yards again :dis: 14-20 yards = toss up 50 yards is a toss up even pretty much close enough Can you say field position? hmmm? :yelwink2: toss up 9 yards is a toss up Oh well you got us there. maybe you better hope we go back to fumbling, don't bet the farm on it, but if we do it could be your savior. We play rough, Refs dont like it. that may be worse for you than us. :shock: well well well what have we here? Looks like we KNOW where the goal line is a little better? have the field prep guys @ Bryant Denny paint them wider and maybe they'll find it... then again did they find it much agaisnt Moo. U? ok Ole Myth? ok paint it bright orange maybe? toss up toss up we score more TD's toss up. Individual Leaders Rushing: yeah now how many other backs have you spread it around to? thats what I thought toss up. the rest of your post wasn't team stats, view is irevelant, team plays for final score.