First things first, welcome to the board Hudson. Bama's speed on defense shouldn't impact LSU quite as much as most other teams b/c just about everybody on the offense is fast (OL to WR.) However, they're an impressive group.
There isn't a chance in hell you'll see Brodie lined up in the shotgun most of the game. NONE. We very rarely used that formation with Closner because he tended to snap the ball a good 2-3 ft over Brodie's head. Britt is having a hard enough time with Brodie under center...
How often does Brodie go into SHOTGUN? I thought you knew about your team? You have to have other Alabama fans (knowledgable ones) point out your errors...
Again, ain't gonna happen. Tell me one game in the last three years where the offensive approach has differed from one game to another? It simply doesn't. We'll see a few screens, sure. But, no more than usual. We'll see a few draws, sure. But, no more than usual. The RB's are instructed if they see a certain number of players in the box to take the run outside. We don't have a toss sweep in our system right now, but saying we don't run outside is the case. We have several plays that are designed outside the tackles. The only changes you'll see in the games we play are changes in the defensive approach. The offense, relies on players making plays. If they don't, we don't show a lot on offense. When they do, it's a totally different ball game. Considering we don't practice on Monday's and Sunday's are spent in individual group work I'm curious how you "heard" what the game plan will be. That would have taken you to be in every group meeting (oh, that wasn't on the field) and heard what every coach was saying to their particular group.
To BAMATIDE12: How often does Brodie go into SHOTGUN? I thought you knew about your team? You have to have other Alabama fans (knowledgable ones) point out your errors...
Very seldom. And, the majority of the time it is in a two back set going into a version of a draw play.
Oops, sorry. Thought that was to me. Bama12, follow along just a second, will ya? The shotgun formation isn't going to do a thing for the problems we have on the OL. The reason boils down to this. The receiver still needs time to run his route, and whether the QB is under center or in the shotgun it will not effect the time it takes for said receiver to get to his spot. The only reason Bama lines up in the shotgun is to hold the LB's in their place for a second or two.