Is that in "Principle" as alligned with their doctrine; or "Principal" as in a capital sum placed at interest?:rofl:
well he wanted to let it be announced first but i contacted rich just in time and he took my advice. good job, bro.
Re: This guy thinks like me. This saga is truly interesting to watch. I thought Shula should have gotten another year, being only 1 year removed from 10-2 with a bowl win, and losing most of his defense. This guy thinks like me. There may just be a nugget for some of us Tiger fans to consider as we evaluate Les Miles. We need to appreciate him a bit more. He is doing a very good job. 10-2 with his schedule, he did a very good job this year. Our standards can't be so high that no proven coach in his right mind would consider our HC job! Look where that kind of superiority complex thinking has gotten Alabama.
I couldn't resist visiting the Bama forums. I didn't register, yet, so I didn't post anything, yet. If you haven't visited, I highly recommend it. It's a great read, but if you're emotional by nature, I suggest you have your tissue box on your computer desk when you go!:rofl: No, really, you should check it out. It's really funny! Those people are really ridiculous! They really think their shtuff don't stink, don't they?!:geauxtige
I should also say that SOME of them actually get it, such as the one quoted above. But after his post, he was pretty much attacked for spewing the truth. Most of them are really morons, and he's right, it will take another twenty years for them to get it, if they ever do. :geauxtige