Well, NO HE DID NOT CONTACT BAMA! They are delusional and confused! I lived in Birmingham for 4 years and it amazed me how some fans still believed they were a top five program. College football has changed since the bear died and there are no longer the same 6 teams contending for the national title every year. Bama needs to go after people they realistically get. They can mention everybody from Bill Bellicheck to vince Lombardi but reality is these coaches are untouchable or dead. ON NFL LIVE SABAN'S AGENT AGAIN DENIED REPORTS THAT HE WAS INTERVIEWING FOR THE BAMA JOB! ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN CASE CLOSED AGAIN.:crystal: BREAKING NEWS BILL BELLICHECK HAS CONTACTED bama ABOUT THEIR COACHING POSITION. THIS IS B.S.:rofl:
Vince is represented by Jimmy Sexton. Bama HAS contacted Jimmy but not Vince directly. Vince IS interested. Details are being worked out as we post ... film at eleven.
Like everyone is saying, that article is a total fake. I mean Terry himself told us that Saban came begging on his knees for the Alabama job, we all know he would leave the NFL and millions for a few hundred thousand and a job at Bama. Saban knows how cool he would look in a houndstooth hat, if Bama wants him they have him!!!!!:thumb: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
These bama folks are the same one's that believed Old Fran would never leave their great university, 'til Fran showed up in an A&M hat.:geauxtige Screw 'em. Bama sucks:geauxtige
Rodriguez agrees to become Alabama’s next football coach TUSCALOOSA — University of Alabama officials and West Virginia’s Rich Rodriguez have reached an agreement in principle for Rodriguez to become the Crimson Tide’s next head football coach, two sources close to the search told The Birmingham News tonight The rest of the article http://www.al.com/birminghamnews/breaking/index.ssf?/mtlogs/bama_bhamnews_extra/archives/2006_12.html#213303
The bama papers say it's done, the WV paper still hasn't let go of the rope: http://www.wvgazette.com/section/Breaking/000000223 MORGANTOWN — Despite a frenzy of published reports to the contrary, Rich Rodriguez remained West Virginia’s football coach Thursday night and apparently had not decided what to do with an offer to coach Alabama’s football team that was presented to him earlier in the day. Amid reports — mostly by Web sites based in Alabama — that went so far as to say a press conference to introduce him had been scheduled today in Tuscaloosa, by mid-evening Thursday Rodriguez had not responded one way or another to the Tide.
saban's wife, terry? i keed i keed. i find it rather contradicting myself. the same "sources" who said saban was so unhappy as well as his wife, so he contacted the gumps with "serious interest" for the job yet turned down more money and a better contract. why did he contact them again? maybe he refused to wear the houndstooth or just wanted less money. i heard 6 years a little over 12 mill earlier today. is that correct? yesterday i heard 7 years 21 mill. guess not getting saban pissed em off so they reduced it. :lol: :lol: poor richie. he was making close to that at wva. ITS NOT WORTH IT, DONT DO IT!