it looked like they were going to after they scored off the Utes fumble. Then Utah answered with a score of their own. Unlike Miles, Saban didn't have his team well prepared.
New from the gumps: I'm beginning to get real nervous Oh for crying out $%^^##@#!!& Whatever we're doing on 3rd and long, it's not working... Son of a. Why the hell can't we make something happen. Could we MAYBE get some prsesure up the middle? Maybe? Please? Why are we playing 8 yds off their WRs??? Talking about a cushion I'm slow but I think I could have picked up a first down on that one Can we not jam their receivers at the line? We are getting sliced up like a knife through hot butter. What are they on 3rd down? Like, 9o% our defense was NOT prepared to play this game.
fixed it for the gumps. They better get used to this, see ULM game last year. Saban only lost fewer than 3 games once while at LSU. A loss tonight will be his first 2 loss season in SEC.
New from the elephants: Mental mistakes are killing us. Win, lose or draw this ain't gone be pretty after this game from the media. We've just looked stuck in the mud I have wondered over the years why it seems so hard for Bama to make adjustments when they are down. They have coaches in the pressbox that have a better view than anyone, yet we are still playing 5-8 yards off the recievers. JAM THEM!!!! Oh my God. 3 and out. Just can't have that here Turn out the lights.... We are unable to do anything. Well it was a nice year. Wish we could find a way here. Hate ending the season with two straight losses.
have to admit I thought bama was going to come back in the 2nd half...not looking so good anymore. Utes just running the clock now
Thanks Bama!!! Now, I have to listen to these folks in Big 12 country for the next year about how a MWC team handled the "second best" team in the SEC. Better them than us.