They did? Really? Because the rule about 3rd party involvement in recruitment where officials knew or should have known of involvement wasn't put in play until 2013. The NCAA also added, "diverse composition of the committee will ensure that the penalties imposed make sense to college athletics. Institutions are also being offered a more transparent process with greater control over the means by which a case is heard and resolved." So basically, a committee looking at any one school probably shouldn't include a member institution that is in direct competition with the school being investigate. You know, like how a Notre Dame grad sat on USC's COI? Oh, and the transparency thing.... "The NCAA violated its own rules and went out of its way to make an example of USC while adjudicating the Reggie Bush case, according to previously sealed documents released Tuesday. The documents, made public, comprise nearly 500 pages of lawsuits, confidential emails and memos, interview transcripts, phone records and media clips. All are related to a 2011 defamation suit brought by former USC assistant coach Todd McNair against the NCAA, which unsuccessfully tried to keep the records sealed. Several of the emails and memos seem to show bias on the part of NCAA employees against USC and McNair..... two people were allowed to participate in deliberations and influence the committee who were not supposed to be involved in that manner. Rodney Uphoff was the NCAA’s coordinator of appeals at the time; Roscoe Howard was a COI rookie who only was supposed to observe the proceedings. Yet Uphoff wrote in an email to Cooper that he hadn’t “been able to sleep for three nights because I fear that the committee is going to be too lenient on USC on the football violations. I think that would be a huge mistake.” Additionally, Uphoff, whose role was to represent the committee in case of appeal, compared the USC case to the Oklahoma City bombings. “The evidence in this case is, for example, markedly stronger than in the OKC bombing case, which was built entirely on circumstantial evidence,” Uphoff wrote in a memo to COI members. “In fact, there was no direct evidence that (Terry) Nichols was ever involved in the bombing plot.” Uphoff also chastised USC for hiring Lane Kiffin as its football coach in January 2010. Hiring Kiffin was among the last acts of former Trojans athletic director Mike Garrett. The Bush case hadn’t been resolved, and Kiffin had been involved in some minor NCAA violations at Tennessee. “A failure to sanction USC both in basketball and football rewards USC for swimming with sharks,” Uphoff wrote. “Although they all talked about the importance of compliance at the hearing, winning at any cost seems more important. “Paul Dee was brought in at Miami to clean up a program with serious problems. USC has responded to its problems by bringing in Lane Kiffin. “They need a wakeup call that doing things the wrong way will have serious consequences. In light of all of the problems at USC, a failure to send a serious message in this case undercuts efforts to help clean up NCAA sports.” In a lengthy email sent to COI members in March 2010, Howard wrote of McNair: “We need not say why we disbelieve him, we only need to let the public, or whomever, know that we do disbelieve him.” Additionally, the court documents include an email from COI member Eleanor Myers in which she questions the strength of the NCAA’s case against USC and describes an interview with McNair as being “botched.” So, the once-sealed records detail a VERY corrupt and unethical NCAA but you expect me to consider their processes as if they are all good? Hellzzz no.
I love our overzealous compliance dept, but I also wonder what's crawling around under unturned rocks. I do enjoy USCvball calling Bama a bunch of cheats and acting as if her program is beyond reproach. I hate that $cam got away with it at AU, but USC had some shady stuff going on. I don't really want to get into it too much not knowing LSU's modus operandi.
Expensive cars? Oh geez, you really don't know what you're talking about here. I just glanced at my bank's interest rates and a 36 month note on a used car ranges from 2.19 to 3.3. IF we took at 20K car, at 8%, we're looking at a payment of around $400 a month. Hell, it appears to some this is all about these kids not being from white families. I know the procedures they go through when arriving on campus. Your belief, or lack of, means what? Another wrong assumption about another program. When the rule was put into place means nothing. As I told you guys a few minutes ago, Bama was one of the first to start this vetting procedure. It was in place before Saban arrived at Bama.
Since you went there.....I have NEVER acted nor said that USC was beyond reproach. I believe that Reggie's parents, with Reggie's knowledge, accepted money from an ex-con, agent wannabe to purchase a home with the promise of delivering Reggie as a client. When it didn't happen, Lake started making shit up. I would have had no problem with a punishment commensurate with the violation but that isn't what happened. Did you even read what I posted above? Let me clarify things. USC was put in the Level 1 tier for violations based on 3 things. Alleged benefits to Reggie (and I say alleged because Lake never provided one receipt, one contract, one iota of proof) for which the NCAA believed we SHOULD have known about even though there was NO rule on the books to that effect, benefits to OJ Mayo which the University acknowledged and self-punished, and the 3rd item which put us in to Level 1, phone calls made by a european female tennis player on an Athletic Department phone card. And it took the NCAA almost 5 facking years and that's all they came up with. If you read my post above, you'll see that the NCAA colluded to punish USC despite the lack of evidence and on the encouragement of two employees who were not even supposed to be part of the process. One of them is comparing USC football to the Oklahoma City bomber? Are you serious? And when an actual COI member questioned the severity of punishment compared to the lack of evidence, a total rookie who, again, was not supposed to be an active participant, actually wrote, "We need not say why we disbelieve him, we only need to let the public, or whomever, know that we do disbelieve him." WTF? Todd McNair's career was destroyed over this incident and he's been attempting to sue the NCAA but at every turn, their lawyers block and stall and file more motions for delay. They have fought like dogs to keep the records sealed. Despite their attempts a judge who has reviewed the documents has said, "after reviewing sealed documents in the McNair inquiry, which was tied to a gift scandal involving Heisman Trophy-winner Reggie Bush, he was convinced that the actions of NCAA investigators were "over the top." His 10-page ruling states emails between an investigative committee member, an NCAA worker and a person who works in the agency's appeals division "tend to show ill will or hatred" toward McNair." So yeah, the NCAA broke all their own rules, hit USC with over the top punishment for violations where they had no proof, and a judge has ruled they were malicious and showed ill will and hatred. That hardly puts me in the category of acting like USC is beyond reproach. I may be as salty as a Clinton supporter but I'm not an emu.
Of the 20 or so vehicles listed, which ones were in the $20k range? That doesn't get much and it certainly doesn't include spinners and other features. Basically, they shouldn't be affording anything that any other Bama student doesn't have. Are you trying to tell me the student lots in Tuscaloosa are filled with similar vehicles? Talk to your recruiting department rather than go the racist accuser route. Last picture in there..... "I came from nothing so every chance I get, I'm gone stunt". That ain't about racism. Hell, all the pictures are about greed and pride and showing off. Stupidity at it's finest. This all came from their IG accounts! It's just the facts. If Bama is "vetting", they suck at it and the next course of action should be to shut down their sm accounts. $20k.....LMAO.
Goes on everywhere, just not as blatant as USC or Bama. Only certifiable retards think otherwise, cough @TerryP.