Yes, I know squat. If the LSU catcher had the ball in his glove, and was trying to make a tag, the runner has to slide. I really don't care if you like espn or not. They don't make the rules and neither do you. OR ME..That wasn't the only bad call. Man---lighten up..Be proud of LSU. I am.
reb that doesnt answer my question... what about our catcher missing the ball....does he have to slide and assume there will be a play at the plate?
Your catcher has every right to go for the ball. Sorry. But it looked to me like the usc player did everything but sit down here. I'm not sure I could have reacted like that. At that point in the game, I might have lowered the shoulder and tried to get my hand on the plate. Does a slide have to be feet first? I'm not trying to be an a**, I really don't know for sure. Pete Rose used to slide head first a lot. :tigbas:
Sorry guys, but I have to side with the Col here. The ball was thrown to Liuzza in plenty of time to make the out if he catches it. He missed it and the runner was still far enough away to score standing up. He ran into Liuzza trying to go after the ball out of the baseline. The problem I had with the play was Mestepey was out of position to back up the throw and consequently let the runners advance. I think the announcers got it right and there really shouldn't have been a need for all the discussion afterwards. I also think that the 2nd base ump blew the call and we should have been out of the inning before the rest of the crap happened.
In defense of col reb, there was ZERO chance to slide. It happened so fast that the runner did the only thing possible, put up his arms in defense. Call was good.
how can u not have time to slide...there was a play at the plate and the catcher is in the baseline. you have 90 feet to slide and must slide if there is going to be a tag. Now I agree he should have caught the ball and its probable the rule states a slide isnt mandatory if the catcher doesnt have the ball but I dont know if the runner must assume a play at the plate and slide. For the announcers to not even mention the rule was an oversight. It was an issue one way or the other. Agree, the guy who came up on Nacc shoulda led to the guy at first being an automatic out and the inning is over. I always thought that was an automatic call. this crap about he would have beat the throw anyhow is irrelevant.
The catcher was just off to the side of the line, he ran into the runners path trying to retrieve the ball.
yes and the fielder always has the right to the baseline if a play is to be made. There was a play to be made so I would think the player would have to slide since that is the intent of the rule. Im just not sure of the specifics. Obviously, he had time to slide because it was obvious there was a play to be made at home.