YEAH! "Remember the time when we soaked each other's corks? You, were-a-soaking my cork... and I was soaking yours! When was that... late 60's?" "Methinks '68." "No, '70........" "Sometime between '68 and '70!" :rofl:
i think that settles it. we wear gold instead of the purple or white-outs to home games. i say it looks better plus we need to match the sign.
That looks sweet. While we are requesting improvements to tiger stadium. Is there any way they can replace the old dorm windows. I don't know if anyone's looked at them lately but they are down right nasty. They are all rusted so badly that they look as if they are going to fall out any day now.
Poor design choice I think. The crystal football and hands would have shown up better on a purple background. As it is they get washed out in the gold background.:dis:
I had similar thoughts when looking at it... I am hoping the one on other end will have a purple background.
From all of us way out-of-towners.... Thanks Bmoney... That thing looks GREAT! ...I'll assume this is the North end zone sign, right???? Are they replacing the South end zone sign too????
Looks like I got my wish after all... :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
No, that is the south end zone. Hey guys, since the South was already yellow and the North was already purple, maybe they'll keep it that way.