Gee you boys are so smart with that Photo Shop. I mean where do you find the time to lead a real life with all that photo-fixing going on?? WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
I think its great for Auburn, we brag about our Track National Championships. Heck if your school can be in the national spotlight more power to them. Congrats to Auburn, sure its swimming but it requires them to have elite student athletes.
I do graphics work for a living through my computer company. I didn't take the time to do a "good" AU pic because I wouldn't really waste more than 5 minutes of my life on school that has a freakin' chicken as it's mascot along with 15 other animals... I don't use Photoshop. I use Macromedia. But I'm not smart with it. I'm smarter with Photoshop and PSP.
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