Auburn University Closed Through The Weekend

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tiger Trey, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. Wishbone

    Wishbone Freshman

    This is all about LSU fanatically trying to get out of this game.
  2. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    dude what do we care about getting out of the game? No one is even thinking about the damn game here. WE dont play anyhow....see how that works?

    Every LSU fan I know just as soon watch you get your asses handed to you whenever you want it. Would it be better for us to get our star QB some experience? sure, but from what I saw your totally unproven defense needs all the work it can stand so its your team who would probably benefit more....but you'd have a brutal 9 games in a row. don't worry AU clown...saban is coming...hell or high water. Careful what you wish for....the asskicking is coming sooner or later.
  3. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member


    You are SUCH A RETARD!

    First of all, it will hit YOUR STATE as a strengthening Category 4 hurricane. Even as it weakens, gale force winds and rain will cause flash floods, power outages and distruction all over AL that will take weeks to respond to properly.

    Also, this storm is expected to STALL over the northern part of your state through the weekend. Do you know what that means for many parts of AL and GA, Genius? It's called CATASTROPHIC FLOODING!

    Next, over 2 million people across the Gulf South have evacuated to points north from Texas to South Carolina. And, they will be rushing the interstates again trying to get home by the weekend..if the CATASTROPHIC FLOODING doesn't strans them and prevent their return. I bet quite a few of those people had Auburn-LSU tickets, too. They won't be attending a Saturday game.

    the point is, it is YOU the Auburn fan who doesn't want that ballgame moved, and you do not care about or value human life and suffering in this matter. Sometimes, games have to be put off when natural disasters occur.

    I know, hard to beleive, ain't it, Rednecks?
  4. AUMorgan21

    AUMorgan21 Founding Member

    Oh my, you all are really killing me with all this talk. Seems to me you all are more concerned with making fun of the fact that AU's trailers are going to get turned on their sides and making any other useless jabs you can. I guess I should have expected nothing less directed at Auburn on game week. But I figured with a hurricane coming towards BOTH of our areas youd ease up and think about the people involved and what they might lose. Guess not. Personally YES Id like to see the game played this weekend, but it sure does sound like a lot of you are happy to think that the game could get postponed until later in the season. Id even heard some of you saying on here before all this hurricane mess that you wished the game was later in the season. I kept my comments to myself for as long as I could, but I just finally read too many ridiculous posts by some of you that I had to throw in my two cents.

  5. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    Really makes you wonder whats wrong with people.

    New reports have the storm stalling out in Northern Bama and sticking around Saturday through Monday. For you Au fans that don't think that a storm effects inland towns, if it stalls you will see rainfalls like you have never seen before. Massive flooding, as anyone in B.R. can tell you what can happen when a storm stalls out. Anyone Remember Allision a few years back. To the idiots that have posted on here saying that we are just scaried to play, maybe you will understand the power of one of these storms when it effects you on a personal level, like so many of your fellow statesman will be going though after this weekend. But it seems very clear that all you seem to care about is a meaningless game on the grandier scale of things. Not that I wish bad things to happen to anybody but hopefully you will see or feel something that will make you open your eyes.
  6. Thorny

    Thorny Founding Member

    What the Auburn fans in this thread really don't remember is the effect Opal had on their campus and state. That was during my first tour in Alabama and remember it clearly.

    Auburn had winds in excess of 100 MPH. Lots of trees down--parts of I-85 were impassable for 2 days. Lots of areas in East Alabama didn't get power back for a week. Jackie Sherrill was ticked that it was clear by the Thursday scheduled gametime, but that didn't stop Auburn from delaying the game.

    This storm is moving slower, but has faster circular winds. LSU has every right to expect Auburn to communicate the contingency plan as quickly as possible.

    For Auburn fans to turn that into some kind of slam on Nick Saban by saying he is too chicken to play the game is an insult of the highest order. That line ticked me off when the cheapshot artist Paul Finebaum was floating it on Monday. But even Finebomb has backed off that and wonders why Auburn won't commit now when every other event in the state is cancelled. I am amazed that anyone would hold the "chicken" line any further.

    I have two brothers who are Auburn grads, so I respect the school and the type of people it can produce. Unfortunately, too many of Auburn fans have become the worst sort of cheapshot artists I have ever encountered. I cannot even go on their Insider's board without getting my blood boiling.

    Take care and keep safe, AU fans. The LSU Tigers will be ready whenever you are.


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