Players and students are all safely off the coast....on campus in either Baton Rouge or Auburn. Nice hyperbole. No one is going to die because of this football game. There may be deaths attributable to the storm, but you cannot lay the blame for their deaths on a game. Ludicrous argument, to say the least.
Auburn is about 200 miles inland. Hurricanes weaken rapidly over land, so Auburn will not get hurricane conditions that you see along the coast. However, they may get tons of rain, depending on where and how fast Ivan moves through Alabama. IMO, the game will be postponed because all resources in Alabama will be directed towards those areas damaged by Ivan, not because of any direct damage in Auburn. I'm sure that law enforcement will have their hands full with Ivan and won't even consider the possibility of working a football game.
From the website: Since the worst is supposed to be over Friday night, I don't see where the problem is. If you have a problem driving on wet roads Friday night or Saturday morning, then you should probably go ahead and turn your DL in now. I don't want you on the road at all. It would be generous if they decided to play it Sunday, though. I'm sure there will be more important things on people's minds than an SEC Football game... (GASP!)
What a "load" you Barners are ... this thing is coming directly at you fools ... IT HAS HOOKED AND WILL MISS LOUISIANA ... Read it and weep ... State of Alabama will be ripped a new azzhole from this storm ... count on hurricane force winds lasting well into Thursday night or early AM Friday morning ... torrential rains ... downed utilities 1200 PM (noon) on Friday ... Auburn, ALA has a date :shock: And if there's anything left of that azz ... the Tigers will show up and kick the hell out of the rest of it ... if AU can pick up the pieces of their trailers and clear the road in time ... :dis: So you see ... Barner azzholes ... all your mimicry and talk means diddly squat ... TALK TO IVAN NOW BITCH
the fact of the matter is that the LSU team will have to travel through areas most devastated by the storm. With all of the streets flooded, traffic lights and signs down, and power outages, its ridiculous to ask them to travel in that... apparently some people have never seen the aftermath of a big storm. when andrew hit in 92, we didnt have power for a week.. in BATON ROUGE!... thats 60 miles inland, at least. And what LSU fans are complaining about is Tubby, buddy. He made the statement that he wouldnt even consider postponing the game, and thats just assinine in the least.
This storm will not do anything to Alabama 30 miles inland but drop a lot of rain. Hurricanes aren't huge tornadoes, once they hit land their strength dies out. I heard that it is predicted to be a Cat-3 by the time it hits land. I didnt go to the site you posted but their word isn't gold. A hurricane will change paths whenever and go wherever. But the game will be postponed. And it wont be scheduled on a Sunday.