Are you kidding me?? Alabama's visitor locker room is under the student section and they make the players go through the entrance righ tnext to the students. David had no choice but to run by their students trying to get to the lockeroom. You have no idea what you are talking about. I was at the game and our players had stuff thrown on them at halftime too as they ran into the locker room. Luckily, I was sitting next to some good bama fans who were saying they were disgusted the students were doing that and that the school should look into why the opposing team has to run through the student section to get to the locker room.
Guy's you are nail on the head right about Tubberville I'm from the same hometown(Camden,AR)and it know around there how much of a Prick he is even heard it said relatives of his. :geauxtige
Free advice.......don't judge people's grammar/spelling, based on how they type when posting in a forum- sometimes hurriedly....... you'll think football fans are illiterate. :grin:
Sound like AMAB needs to move the student section. I have always thought that locating the visitors locker room entrance in the visitors section is one of the best features of Tiger Stadium. Teams can retreat to their locker rooms without passing each other, reducing fights. It doesn't eliminate the problem, but it does reduce it. GEAUX TIGERS
And they gotta go past Mike too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
Terry, I went to school during the 9 in a row. As bad as you feel, it really was twice as bad for us. We had Doug Barfield. My friend, I have been passing up straight lines all week, my giddiness finally got the best of me.