Auburn=no class!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Draino13, Nov 18, 2006.

  1. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Never is a long time. The phrase was "Fear the thumb." Personally I don't see any problem with it. Why is it classless? He is promoting his football program. I am not a big Tubberville fan, but he showed a lot less class when he smoked that cigar.
  2. Draino13

    Draino13 Founding Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    I lived in Birmingham for three years and I have a lot of friends who are Auburn fans. I was too young about the bear bryant thing, but that sounds about right as far as the Bear. I might think Tubby is the biggest weasel on the earth, but I think The Auburn-Bama game is the best rivalry in college football maybe sports. I loved the Iron Bowl, because of the pure hatred between the two schools. Congrats on the win and now its time to beat :eek:lefire:!
  3. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    I agree with you on some of those things and I have never defended him in those cases. But as Bengal Buddy points out, what's the bid deal with the Fear The Thumb thing. I say again, they brought it on themselves. If they had just ignored it, it would have gone away afew days after last year's game. it got to be a challenge for both sides. bama had thier chance to totaally turn it against us but they just weren't man enougn to do it. So now we have played the game In Tuscalloosa for three centuries and bama still hasn't won. Tonight the bammers stsarted a web site and a bama guy on Crimson Tusks even proposed a T-shirt for next years game. It had a picture of Shula with a red circle arounf his head and a slsh mark acroos it,,,,,i.e., no more Shula. I would put it up here but I don't propogate stuff like that.
  4. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    Huntsville TV station is reporting that Auburn CB David Irons was hit in the head by a bottle thrown out of the stands after the game. Now that's classy. He shouldv'e kept his helment on. Fortunately he didn't appear to be serioulsy huet. Jst a knot on his head. The will probab;y nickname him Ironhead now.
  5. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    I saw that and that was extremely classless. However, maybe he should not taunt the student section next time.
  6. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    I just sent a text message to my Bama friend "fear the thumb again next year":geauxtige :hihi:
  7. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Proud, saying the Bama media writers picked up on it is a long stretch. If there is one way to describe his behavior, especially with the t-shirt, maturity wouldn't be a part of it. Personally, I would love to give Shula the thumb...but, he doesn't need it to find his way out of town.

    FWIW, I suspect something is afoot today...but, I'll know more about the situation after a meeting today that was called last night.

    By no means will you find me defending the actions of the Greeks during the ball game yesterday...but, then again, you can't find an example of me EVER defending their actions. It's a sad statement that reflects on our fan base, but it isn't something you can use to describe the entire fan base.
  8. Proud Tiger

    Proud Tiger Founding Member

    Aug 22, 2003
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    Comments in red.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I don't mind most Auburn fans but Tubberville is just an asswipe! He's a good coach but that's about it when recognizing his talents. The guy has consistently been a jerk with his actions on and off the field. I had hoped that he would cool down after Auburn tried to "backdoor" him but it appeared to just add fuel to the fire. His little facial smurk seems to suggest that he has the school, boosters, and fans right where he wants them.

    A team's attitude and play is usually a reflection of the coach. If you watch the late hits (cheap shots) against us earlier this year, you'll know what (Tubs, Tubby, TT, TB, or whatever cute little name he has) type of person he is. The thing that surprised me was how many Auburn fans were unaware of his actions. I remember playing them at home three years ago and talking with a bunch of their fans. They didn't know anything about the cigars, comments, etc,...or maybe they were just in denial.

    He needed to win that game almost as much as Shula. After the refs handed him the game against us, it appeared they could make reservations in Atlanta. Getting blasted by the Hogs and Dogs was sweet and exposed a few problems at Auburn. Hopefully he'll be in another conference soon!

    Hey Tubs...take Spurrier with you!
  10. TerryP

    TerryP Founding Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Wrong about Kines....but right on everything else...there's some **** on the staff right now but you don't have it pegged right

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