Athalon Ranks the S.E.C. Coaches

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by xlnsports, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    athlons has been dropping over the years. I looked back at last years book, too much fail. For $7.99, too many other things can be bought worth the money. Les is 21-11 at LSU vs. all of the coaches who were ranked ahead of him this writeup. Maybe someone should do some homework?
    If other things come into this, lets see. The graduation success rate (GSR) scores were released by NCAA, and Vanderbilt and LSU led the SEC. Looks like athlons missed again?
  2. furduknfish

    furduknfish #ohnowesuckagain

    Sep 11, 2006
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    On the plus side, he stopped wearing the skin tight underarmor.
  3. VampMuse

    VampMuse Veteran Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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  4. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Jun 22, 2010
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    TCU getting ready...........

  5. geauxtigs

    geauxtigs Tigers Forever

    Nov 28, 2007
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    They gonna need a lot more than a hype video...........
  6. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    You TOTALLY missed the point. I dont think you have ANY IDEA what recruiting is like in CUSA, THEN to the MWC and now in Big 12, no idea. If you did, you would see what the class of 2014 looks like vs virtually everyone before it. Patterson has gotten good players, he has a QB that starts in the NFL, Miles does not. Then there is that "other guy" Tomlinson.....hmmmmmm. Losing players to injury is a fact of life in football AT ANY LEVEL. Losing your QB to a DWI charge THE WEEK of a game (creates a much different mindset, given previous circumstances, on the team vs injury) is not the same WHEN the replacement is a RS freshman QB who had been practicing to play RB that VERY WEEK. Add in the fact the starting RB was ALSO gone for the season AND HIS REPLACEMENT was a true freshman who made two critical mistakes against ISU. Given the overwhelming QB development skills over the past few years at LSU would you like to take any bets what LSU would have done had Mettenberger gone down at any point in the season given the fact you almost NEVER saw another QB play?
  7. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Use a FEW more CAPS. It REALLY helps MAKE your POINT, and your POST not at ALL annoying TO READ.
  8. luvdimtigers

    luvdimtigers Founding Member

    Jul 30, 2006
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    True enough, but are you saying that the amount of starters LSU lost, particularly on the OL is the norm? You're just another Miles hater, every single negative is directly Miles faut, and every possitive is inspite of him. I'm so sick of you negatigers, fact is, Miles for whatever faults he has (alll coaches do) is the winningest MF'er in LSU history
  9. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I didn't write the article did I?? Perhaps your comments should be directed at the author? Perhaps he hit a nerve??? I came to an LSU board because I am an LSU grad, fan and donor despite not asking for season tickets in 10 years. I don't have to build up Patterson and he and I both don't G.A.F. what your opinion is about him. In addition, my son did much more than occupy space on the bench as he lettered 4 times and was recgnized for his academic performance in 3 years and 2 conferences...........once again, how did that intramural career go???? Yep Les Miles won a national championship but you better rest assured I am not the only fan that will ALWAYS be disgusted at what happened at the second one. I dont want a hat that says I was a fan at the Alabama massacre of LSU...........perhaps your insignificant life requires one?????

    As for GP's resume', he has ALAWAYS had the attitude anytime, anyplace. You have to be one of the largest Delta Alpha's to grace the earth if you think there is a line of SEC coaches waiting outside Patterson's office to try and schedule a game. They are at the Grambling's, Florida Atlantic's, and a bunch of other schools no one has heard of. Why dont you check how many times prior to Big 12 TCU had Big 12 teams drop them off the schedule...........just like teams on the west coast do and have done with Boise State. The FACT his resume is dotted with SEC teams is very simple..............they never wanted to play him. Why do you think BOTH Miles and Patterson agreed and WANTED to convert the home and home to a one game deal??? I can guarantee if TCU was still in the MWC they would have screamed to keep the agreement as it was made. Bottom line is you don't know jack sheatt about Patterson as a coach or a person. In fact, why don't you go back and resurrect all the "we need a new coach" threads ON THIS FORUM and see who so many LSU fans wanted as their NEXT coach.

    This thread isn't about Gary Patterson and Les Miles but perhaps you can forward your comments on the authoer and he MIGHT move Miles a little bit closer in the rankings.;)
  10. TCUTiger

    TCUTiger Founding Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I'm not a Miles "hater" but I see a disturbing trend developing within this team..........I'm not the only one. As I said in my first post on this thread I think the author is thinking something along the same line. I just wrote a check with 4 numbers left of the decimal point for some student at LSU I will never meet to use on his/her education. My loyalty WILL ALWAYS BE to the school. I got to LSU when Cholly Mac was coaching, I have seen a bunch come and go, as will Miles do someday and someone else will take his place.

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