No doubt that Tigerforums is the best around. Nothing against any other boards (hey, we are all Tigers), but I've seen the rest and I'm at the best. Heck, we don't even run off any of our rival's fans. We certainly aren't going to run off any LSU fans.
Welcome AT. Lot's of us old Lairers over here. This board is MUCH better and the Admins don't have Napolean/Hitler complexes like the two nimrods running the Lair. Censorship is a four letter word over here and not everyone and their brother (all having family members who work for the TAF) has a delete button to take off anything that doesn't follow their party lie, er..., I mean line!
I dont know the Lair but i can tell you that it has been and will continue to be a pleasure to post and view this board. Brett and the rest of the guys here run a clean but spirited forum. My hats off to you and the gang Brett. Keep up the good work. Being out here in California would be unbearable without Dandy Don and Tiger Forums to stay up with LSU Info. It has become a part of every days activity. Geaux Tigers
Thanks for all of the compliments guys, it's really very flattering. It doesn't matter to me what other boards or forums you may belong to, if you're an LSU fan you're always welcome here. Welcome to all of you and please let me know if I can ever do anything to make better for you.
I have to agree with you Bengal B After a couple months of posting over here, I must say the Admins do an excellent job.
well from a female perspective TE and Crawfish are good people, but I don't know that i have ever noticed ponderosa. Also me and crawfish almost got married one band camp.
It may take you a while to adjust to adult conversation and opposing opinions being allowed but hang in there I know you will adjust. It is also refreshing that the board isn't dominated by a few chosen posters and you have the freedom to disagree with anyone here without fear of being deleted. Welcome to the promised land purple and gold style.:geaux: :lsug: