My point was it isn't really decided on the field if we aren't even sure the two teams playing are the best.
I wasn't just talking about the title game itself, but the regular season games. The national title and two teams that play for it should be determined on the field. That is what I meant.
:hihi: Wow!!! I can't believe a die hard LSU fan saying nice thingsa about USC fans. Of course, as you note, you met them face to face. When I mentioned anything nice about USC in the past, I was flamed and told Auburn and USC were love ins. Nice to see someome post an opinion based on real experience. Now that's unique :hihi: :hihi:
Haha, that's hilarious.:rofl: :rofl: I know exactly what you mean, though. It's like, you get all prepared to get defensive and then you're just like, 'ummmm, yeah, we're pretty good!' Lol.