Ashton Kutcher gets political

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by DallasLSU, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    So an immoral act is now grounds for losing your job in Congress? You're saying that the republicans (and no dems) knew this guy was a perv and liked men, so they should have removed him based on that information? Funny how dems didn't think that immoral acts should be grounds for dismissal a few years ago.

    As of today, there is zero evidence that a crime was committed. Yet you assume some kind of cover up. You are full of assumptions and no facts.

    Two congressmen, one rep and one dem. One was with a 17 y/o female page and the other with a 17 y/o male page. Both were censured.

    Would you be happy if Foley was only censured and allowed to stay in Congress? Foley's actions aren't as bad as these two guys.

    1983 Congressional Page Sex Scandal

    Clinton remained in office. Would you have a problem if Foley stayed in office?

    You are making up facts. There is no evidence of any illegal activity ... yet. The only sexually explicit material we know of was sent to an 18 y/o man ... that's not illegal, just sick. 3 more pages have come forward, but no age was given. If they are of legal age, it's not a crime.

    Dems didn't want Clinton removed. The dems didn't want Studds removed.

    The dems wants republican leaders gone for Foley's immoral acts. Remember, there's no evidence that anything illegal happened. Just a perverted dude. But yet they are calling for Hastert's head.

    Double standard...

    Yeah, I know ... it's all Bush's fault.

    Yep, everyone should lose their job over an immoral act or knowledge of an immoral act. Except democrats, of course.

    Look, I despise what Foley did. And anyone who knew this was going on should be run out of DC as well. But before the facts are even known, everyone is running around talking about cover up, getting rid of Hastert, etc. I know it's all political, but it's quite hypocritical for the dems to want someone removed over an immoral act.
  2. LSUsupaFan

    LSUsupaFan Founding Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    Alls I know is I'm glad I did not meet Foley when I was a page for the 103rd Congress.
  3. TigerKid05

    TigerKid05 Say Whaa!?!?

    Aug 3, 2004
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    To get back on the original topic...found this funny video
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You have the facts completely wrong and you are trying to misrepresent my position. Foley was not dismissed, he resigned! Hastert is not being dismissed, he is being called on to resign. I have not asked for anybody to be removed. I'm asking for politicians to be held accountable for their failures.

    You ignore the facts. The cover up is concerning the ethical violations and moral scandals that the republican leadership tried to hide.

    Foley should have been censured and the bipartisan house ethic commitee should have been informed so that steps could be taken to protect the minors. Hastert and company allowed Foley to continue his lewd activity for years. Whether or not Foley or any Congressman resigns is entirely beside the point. They all should resign if they are guilty of immoral conduct with a minor and so should anyone who covered up for them.

    I love it. The more the republicans defend this guy the more the voters become aware.

    Clinton didn't have sex with a minor. Yes, anybody that has a problem with Foley remaining in office is deeply disturbed. He was right to resign and I'm glad he did.

    No, I am not. List them for me.

    What I said was that there was an investigation going on and that there are underage pages involved, that has been noted already. There is certainly the potential for a crime to have happened.

    Pay attention! The citizens are calling for Hasterts head because he tried to protect Foley and endangered more pages! It was a conservative paper that first called for Hastert's head. It was two republican congressmen who brought this matter to the attention of Hastert and later made it public when Hastert did nothing. It was a republican aide to Foley who is providing evidence that this has been going on for some time.

    Who is saying that? There is no evidence yet submitted that any Democrats knew. Hell, they would have reported it to their leaders and to the house ethics committee if they did. The fact is, that Foley worked for the House majority leaders who are republicans and they sat on the information. Foley was Hasterts responsibility.

    Thats what we've been saying here all along!

    Dude, Hastert admitted responsibility, that fact is known. He apologized but just refuses to resign which will insure that the story continues right into the election instead of ending it now.

    Hypocritical? The republican Congress allowed a special investigator to quit his failed investigation of Whitewater and instead investigate the President for an immoral act and then they impeached him for it!

    How hyocritical can you get to imagine that it doesn't work the same way for republicans. Did you think the Democrats forgot? Hell they aren't even pressing this matter, it is the republicans cleaning house! This involves children and it hits close to home for many voters.

    If the Republicans take your tack and defend Hastert and Foley, try to divert attention to Clinton, and hold no one accountable for the cover-up, it plays right into the Democrats hands. Voters will perceive that Republicans will put party politics above what is best for the country, what is ethical, what is moral, and what is right.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    we need to have some better guys working in the scandals dept of the government. this is all we can come up with? some goofass makes some dumb comments, and that is what we call a scandal? this is a non-story.

    remember the SAT analogies?

    the mainstream news is to the foley scandal


    espn is to what?

    the correct answer is T.O.

    we (the public) act like we have never heard of creepy gay dude or a attention loving head-case. cmon, we can do better.

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