As many as 8 Americans dead in Afghan attack

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Sourdoughman, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    I had nothing against the elimination of OBL and AQ in Afghanistan in retaliation for 9/11 and I had nothing against the elimination of Saddam for defying us for all of those years in Iraq. However, the instant we started dropping care packages from the skies in Afghanistan to attempt to win the hearts and minds of Muslims instead of focusing on eradicating OBL and AQ and the instant we decided to occupy Iraq after the country was scoured for WMD and Saddam had been captured, I knew we were screwed.

    Had Bush eradicated OBL and AQ in Afghanistan in 2001 and then left immediately, we would not only have created deterrence, but we would also have sent a very loud and very clear message to the world that the USA will not tolerate terrorism. Had we left Iraq as soon as Saddam was captured and Iraq had been scoured for WMD, while leaving behind all our death and destruction to serve as deterrence, we would have sent another very loud and very clear message to the world.

    Unfortunately, that is not what Bush did. Bush like a loon was blinded by political correct multiculturalism and instead committed the USA into pursuing two fantasy based nation-building missions to win the hearts and minds of Muslims, which is literally impossible to do, and all of his nonsense was built on the political correct multicultural model that claims that Islam is a Religion of Peace™ and that the vast overwhelming majorities of Muslims in the world are peaceful and moderate, which is demonstrably false.

    To be honest, I can’t stand Bush as much as I can’t stand Obama, since Bush was in reality a stealth liberal and a political correct multicultural loon, and the damage he did to the country is enormous. Not to mention that he also left the Republican Party a train wreck as well.

    As for as Obama goes, he’s a radical and he and the Democrats today through healthcare reform and cap and tax are obviously trying to implement the Cloward and Pivens strategy in order to overwhelm the system and bring America down.
  2. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Ahh destroy a country for the actions of few. Guess that wipes everybody out....includes the US.
  3. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    Excuse me…I can’t presume to understand what it is you are trying to say although it sounds awfully loony.
  4. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Nothing loony about it. You want to destroy/destruction a few countries because of a few bad seeds.

    You might as well do that to the US also. Who the F do you think supported and armed SH and OBL in the 80s?

    Oh how we forget how shambled our own foreign policy is.
  5. Spike

    Spike Veteran Member

    I want to protect and defend America, and unlike you I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Not only that but I don't believe we can accomplish anything but spinning our wheels by pursuing silly fantasy based nation building missions trying to win the hearts and minds of Muslims who are obligated by their so-called religion to hate our guts no matter what we do.

    As for as a few bad seeds goes, the political correct model whereby Islam is a Religion of Peaceand the vast overwhelming majorities of Muslims in the world are moderate and peaceful that Bush crammed down our throats is demonstrably false.

    Why? I'm not filled with guilt or shame and thank God I'm not nearly as self-hating as you are. Indeed, unlike you I love my country.

    Oh give me a break! I could care less if we did or if we didn't. It doesn't make a **** to me. I mean was OBL and AQ behind the 9/11 attacks? Did Saddam repeatedly refuse to cooperate with the UN Sanctions Regime? That's all that matters. Everything else is irrelevant.

    Our foreign policy has been screwed alright but it is because of political correct multicultural leftists like you.

    And with all due respect, your entire post was loony as hell!
  6. Rex_B

    Rex_B Geaux Time

    Poor Poor Spike. Go join SF and the other wannabe conservatives.

    Why don't you go and actually learn before you spout..

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