I'm a huge U2 fan too, and I went to espn.com but couldn't get the video. I got what looked like a link, but when I clicked on it, nothing about the video, but got what looked more like an ad for SBC. Either I was doing something wrong or they had everything screwed up.:angry:
Funny thing is, that is the first halftime show I've watched in years. If I'm at a game, I usually go to the bathroom and the concession stand. At home, I tivo games and fast forward. But last night, as I was fast forwarding, I saw Ms. Simpson and had to listen in. Then, it was like a bad car wreck. I couldn't look away. I ended up rewinding to the beginning and watched it all the way through. It was equal parts comedy and nauseating. I agree that those responsible for that dismal show probably need a different line of work. Bringing in two tops bands from historically black colleges would be a good idea. I liked Drumline.
I flipped over to Sanford and Son at halftime so I missed it. Caught a replay of Ashley Simpson's performance online after I saw this thread. Horrible. If they couldn't get Jessica, they should have asked OJ.
I can't believe the Orange Bowl halftime show featured someone so bad like that. I mean where did she get that voice? Sounds like starving dogs in heat. Someone please take an ice pick and jam it into my ears and don't stop. Signed Kelly Osbourne
They can't be serious! OMG!! I have the TV on, trying to get a weather update here. That rag show Inside Edition is on and they had a bit about Simpson being booed last night. At the end of the story the talking head said "Orange Bowl officials said they are happy with Miss Simpson's performance." Helloooo, did those bozo's actually watch it?:shock:
That wasn't "boos", duhh, the drummer just started playing the wrong song, I mean, it was my insides making that noise, you know that acid reflux, I mean I thought that was just Oklahoma coming back onto the field.
Hey could you tell me where you found a clip of her performance? I've been looking for one but haven't found it. Thanks
It isn't the whole thing, just the grand finale. That was enough for me. :dis: http://www.local10.com/news/4048912/detail.html