Yea, once Bowe caught the OT pass @ Bama, u'd expect the crowd to be silent but instead you heard a loud roar from the crowd, hopefully we'll keep it like that tomorrow nite
The game against GT in the Peach was like that. Isnt the GT campus like 5 or 6 miles away from the dome. By the 4th quarter it was like a home game. Amazing.
I just hope the fans stay loud, no matter what happens. This is the thing that I have noticed the most. When LSU does something wrong, the fans get quiet, that is the time that the football team needs to know that the fans still believe in them. I just would like to see the fans stay behind their team. :geauxtige :champs: :geauxtige :champs:
If the game is at a "neutral site", why aren't the tickets split 50/50. I know I graduated in Miss., but in my book ??????? Half and Half is 1/2 VO and 1/2 coke. Or one white parent and one not. (NOTICE H0W I AVOIDED THAT?) Half the tickets for you and half for me. If there is any other split, then it becomes fu and hooray for me.
My guess is that the schools get the same number of tickets. The difference is that there are probably a lot of tickets go to corporate sponsors. Example, Coca-Cola's corporate offices are in Atlanta, as are a number of other huge Corporations that probably sponsor the SECCG and combined get a large number of tickets which are probably handed out to clients in the Atlanta area which would tend to be more UGA fans or supporters I say this because I used to live in the Atlanta area. The year we played Clemson in the Peach bowl I attended the game. Had relatively chitty seats. The maddening thing was that almost half the seats between the 40 yard lines were empty. Found out that these had gone to corporate sponsors. Not too many LSU or Clemson fans in the Atlanta area so there wasn't as much interest as there will be for an SECCG game, especially when UGA is playing. Just a guess, but and educated one.:geauxtige