I checked the artichokes Saturday when I was at the store! They were are looking better and better! We will be having stuffed artichokes for dinner sometime this weekend!
Hey bayarea, How are the artichokes looking rihgt now...sitting at work trying to plan a BBQ for tonight and was thinking about doing stuffed artichokes for an appitizer and was wondering!
I believe that May is about the only fallow month in artichoke land... Haven't been to my favorite customer (Monterey Bay Aquarium) in about 3 weeks BUT I AM going down to Monterey for the bridequeen's b-day on Monday... I'll give ya a report from Pezzini in Castroville either Monday or Tuesday... PS Ease up on th' big fella!!! You givin' me HELL girl!!!!!!!!! :hihi:
Ok OT here is a pic of my bridequeen today in Castroville on her -- birthday... We went to Carmel for lunch, then cruised through Monterey and Santa Cruz.... Ain't that the biggest 'choke you EVER done saw???? Isn't that bad boy HUGE????? BTW they're a little on the small side, bigger ones will be here in 4-6 weeks per my buddies at Pezzini's...