I am in a world of Liberals. I feel like all my money is going to the state. I pay $408.00 just to register my car. 8 1/2 % state income tax. These people complain about the price of gas here but like Bestbank Tiger said they dont want to do anything to produce more energy. It makes me so mad to see people like Streisand, Sheen and others using their celebrity to further their political views. By God at least Arnold had the balls to put it out there and put it on the line where it counts. I dont know if he will do a good job but i can tell you he cant do any worse than that scumbag Davis. If you guys had to watch all the gay and lesbian coverage out here on T.V. you would think that 98% percent of the people were gay. Not the 10% that are. I moved to the Bay area from Texas for my job and i told the people here what the rest of the country see's about California on the news and its either Gay Rights or Movie Stars and the opinions that go with them. 10% percent of the people speaking the loudest and acting like the Majority. I try to let people do their own thing and to each their own but i keep my private life just that Private. I know this sounds like i am a bigot but i just get tired of having others peoples sex life plastered on my T.V in the form of News. Im off my soap box now
insanity in idividuals is rare. insanity in mobs of people are the norm. i can't believe he was elected.