Kudos to your family! I was Army for 7 years as a pediatrician. Strong appreciation for those who serve!
I was the Comm O on the staff of CTF-73 in the 78 - 80 timeframe. We deployed aboard logistics ships in the Indian Ocean, for over a year. I rode the Camden for a couple months during that time while the Admiral was embarked. About all I remember was the huge stateroom they gave me...like a damn field house it seemed.
Went by there a lot, Helos went in. When I was on USS America (CV-66) (several years later) I flew in there to receipt for some classified stuff, but barely got out of the plane.i think I technically may have had feet on ground, but I may have just stayed strapped in. Water was cool looking though, I remember that.
I worked in the Officer's Ward during FSA (KP for you Army guys). It was a good ship. Too bad she was decommissioned and torn apart. We stopped int Diego Garcia in 1994.