i'm with red. i believe the GOP rallying cry of freeloaders is propaganda. there will always be freeloaders, but it is exaggerated and exploited by the greedy. then the answer is easy, do what romney did in MA, make those that can afford it pay (youd think its more important than car insurance), and pay for those that cant.
That "Plan" is worthless. Why don't you send me the EOB and the cost? Wait a second.. That's because it doesn't exist!
You've been bitching about its "Trillion dollar" cost and said he has no plan, so I showed you the plan. Now you suggest that the costs don't exist. You are soooooo confused. Easy Question . . . have you actually bothered to read Obama's plan? Do you have a specific objection to it? Obama addressed health plan costs in his address last night! Did you watch it? Or read an article about it? Did you know that the Senate has already trimmed $400 billion? Obama pressed on health care plans on ABC News special Obama takes on insurers over gov't plan
Or, in other words,"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." - Karl Marx. No thanks, Comrade
"from each according to his abilities, "---not abilities, salary. for quite a while this country has been requiring those that make more $ to pay more $. a tithe works in the same way. "to each according to his needs."---kinda how insurance works, roughly. not very efficient if they give you an MRI that you dont need, or if your coverage wont give you an MRI that you do need does your quoting marx mean that anything he ever said/wrote should not be used in any way in the US? some communist principles are good, just like some capitalist principles are bad. the best governing is in between.
You don't accept what notion? That the health care plan will add to the massive debt? Or that Obama's projected massive deficits will not materialize or both? You did state "I don't expect it to be cheap." when referring to Obama's health care plan. I understand balance perfectly. You are only focused on the "benefits" and not the cost. You don't consider the price we will have to pay and the long term consequences of the massive deficits. Unless you believe the potential savings out weight the cost tell us how we are gong to pay for it. Monetarily speaking, no rational person believes Obama's health care plan is not going to have a huge net cost even after potential savings you mentioned. No studies support the notion that Obama's plan will not have a net cost. There's no doubt the plan will add to the deficit. Now why does this not concern you, the big proper balance advocate?
sorry, i know you didnt quote me, but the plan should focus on cutting costs of medicare and medicaid, take that $ and cover everyone. i think it should mean a severe limitation to coverage. if you want something done outside of that limit, you have separate coverage, or pay out of pocket, or dont have the procedure done. the govt has been run so poorly for so long that it cant do everything for everyone, but it should provide at least minimal coverage for all.