I haven't been talking about "pre-paid care", I have been talking about Obama's health plan being better than doing nothing. You seem to be trying to make some kind of point about this, so why don't you just spell it out.
This proves nothing. It's just a list of clinics with nothing about the services they provide. Are these "free" clinics funded privately or by charity or are they subsidized? Most free clinics are subsidized by taxpayers, you know. Are those free services for everybody or narrowly qualified individuals.
I don't accept this notion, it is yours. I've already pointed out that many current taxpayer health burdens like the VA, the charity hospitals, and free county clinics could disappear for great $$ savings that you do not bother to recognize. You don't understand balance at all if you don't weigh the benefits versus the costs. All you do is cry about the costs as if everything should be free and don't consider the benefits and potential savings at all.
You like Obama haven't laid out what "health plan" means. Pre-Paid medical services or actual Health Insurance that averts a fatal loss? Spelled out: The Vagueness
You really ought to check and see before you just blurt out something that is so easy to shoot down. Obama Health Care Plan There is the plan. Now what is your issue with it?
Read the plan. Obama said yesterday that two thirds of the cost will be gotten from the system it replaces.