I'm so old that I still remember when hamburgers from McDonalds and Burger King actually tasted good and Coca Cola was sold in the little glass bottles for 5 cents. Nickel per call pay phones, RC Cola, Shakey's Pizza, What-A-Burger, Frostop root beer, Rickey Ricardo and Lucy sleeping in separate beds. the Ed Sullivan Show where the Rolling Stones had to change the words from "Lets Spend the Night Together" to "Lets Spend Some Time Together", $10 per ounce weed, Jack Parr on the Tonight show before Johnny Carson, when homosexually was considered a perversion instead of "a lifestyle choice", American Bandstand, beer in steel cans with no easy open pop top, LSU beating Tulane by the identical 62-0 scores in 1958, 1961 and 1965, Ronald Reagan as an actor before he was President, the Beatles in Shea Stadium, the Miracle Mets, Volkswagen Hippie Vans, Magoo's bar on Chimes Street, when what was good for General Motors was whats good for America, John Gilliam running the opening kickoff back for a touchdown against the LA Rams inTulane Stadium in the Saints first ever NFL game, the Los Angeles Rams, the Baltimore Colts, Roger Maris hitting 61 home runs before the steroid era, Joe Namath wearing pantyhose in a commercial, seeing Stevie Ray Vaughn at Chiefs before he was famous, Muffalotta's tamales, country music before "country was cool", George Reeves as Superman and Hugh O'Brien as Wyatt Earp, Dinah Shore singing "See the USA in a Chevrolet", the original cast of Saturday Night Live, when Richard Petty dominated NASCAR, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Arnie's Army, and Hey, I can go on and on but I'm getting sleepy
Was Yancey Derringer played by Jock Mahoney and was set in 18th century New Orleans and did he have an Indian sidekick named Pahoo who was pretty good at throwing a knife?
The great Tom Seaver. Knee touched the dirt on the mound every time he threw a pitch. Arguably the greatest pitching motion ever.
I'll throw out a couple of more: New Zoo Revue (anybody have a crush on Henrietta Hippo?) The Electric Company
1959 TV intro's I remember all of these! I was a huge Maynard G Krebs fan at the age of four, Daddy-O.
It wasn't an ounce in the day, it was just a sack, a paper sack like before samich bags. I don't know when an OZ kicked in. When I was a kid we had to take turns geauxing outside and turning the antenna for the console TV. I still do the grease in the can. I will dunk my potato's for baking in grease before hand, wrap in foil. Helps keep taters from drying out. I miss watching Justin Wilson's cooking show. I miss throwing the seat belt outside the window so it would spark on the ground when you drive. Those seat-belts you had to tuck into the overhead clips instead of the retractable kind. Yeah, them. I miss having only one toilet per household. :nope: I am glad the slip and slide has returned.